Cappings and clumps into extractor?

Started by johnnybigfish, June 28, 2008, 07:36:19 PM

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 I have a 4 frame hand crank extractor. I just want to know how many of you uncap over the top of the extractor and let the stuff just fall into the extractor,( Like me ) and how many of you use the "uncapping" tray I've seen in the catalogs?
The way i do it now sure makes it hard to let the honey flow out of the hole. I keep having to poke into the hole to let honey out into my bucket. Have I been doing it wrong all along?( I'm thinking so...)
your friend,


wrong all  along.
If you have one of the big outlet stores that sell "used restaurant" equipment and can pick up one of the big stainless steel sinks at a reasonable price. Then add some kind of strainer.
I have the plastic uncapping tub from BrushyMt.
You will still have some capping/clumps but not enough to be a big bother.


  Uncapping tub it is! :)
Thanx Doak!