Brian, this one is for you, the beginning of the hatch

Started by Cindi, September 29, 2008, 11:21:46 AM

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Brian, this will interest you.  Those chicken eggs that you gave me at the bbq at your place has begun the hatch.  I had 15 of your great eggs, and put in a whole whack of mine, in two lots, one other hatch should occur in a week's time.  As of last night, about 7:00 there were 15 hatching, I haven't checked this AM yet, will do that soon, but there are definitely not my breed of chickens that have hatched so far (except for two).  I think that your eggs were pretty fertile.  WHen they come out of the incubator to the brood pen, I will take better pictures and you will see your chickens' progeny at my place.  Thank you again for the eggs, you will also be that proud Daddy!!!  Have the most wonderful and awesome day, Cindi

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Chicken nuggets! I know, I'm not Brian, just couldn't help myself.

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One day after a hatch and my kids all excited such. I made little chicken looking feet out of tooth picks and stuck them in the nuggets that we had that night for dinner. It was hilarious!! :evil: Well at least I though so... My 13 yr old about passed out. she was not pleased. It looked pretty real and with the little ones in the brooder, they all stopped and thought for a second. Like I said Hillllarrrrrious!!! I wish that I would have taken some pictures.
Don't be yourself, "Be the man you would want your daughters to marry!!"


Ahhh Frantz, that is one of the "perks" of being a parent!   :-D Pics would have been great so you could chuckle when you look at em time & time again!  Keep it up, you are helping develop their cognative skills!  Jody
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard

Brian D. Bray

The black ones are Austrolorp/Brahma cross, the White ones are Light Brahma, and the brownish ones are Orpington/Brahma cross.

Did you hear about the Chicken who became a politician;  his name is Ba-rack Obrahma.

That just occurred to me and I couldn't let it pass.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Eeeks!!!  I will be taking more pictures later this morning, but what a day yesterday was, I kid you not, certainly not my idea of fun, nor what I had in mind to contend with, I had other plans, like cooking tom turkey with ease and mowing my lawn, which takes over 2 hours.

So, I must ramble, bear with me.  Come the time after the kids are fed, lunches made, and I have that time to go and let the chickenyard critters out, I stopped in at the bee house to see how many more had hatched.  Their was a noise, that noise was very foreign and I wondered what it was.  It didn't take long to realize that the sound I heard was nothing.  I should have heard the sound of the incubator fan going, oh no!!!!  I could hear peeping, but no fan sound.  I immediately opened the incubator, noticed that it still felt warm, but the temperature was 102.  I ran back up to the house to call Ken to help me and we both went back down, took the chicks, the eggs and headed back up to our house, heat lamp in tow. 

We put the chicks into the bathroom in a laundry basket.  Got my youngest Grandson to put the coldish feeling one into his shirt, right next to his 98.6 degree body and then proceeded to set up for the chicks.  The bathroom is warm, friendly, and the chicks were happy as two peas in a pod.  The baby warmed up very quickly and we set it back in with its siblings.  The story goes on and on.  Three more of the eggs hatched, not one more......they all were combined last night and placed downstairs with the heat lamp on them, I could not stand the sound of chicks peeping all night long.

What a lucky day for me, my stars were shining down for surely.  The babies would have cooked in a very short time, and that would have made me very sad.  The fan had given out in the incubator.  The heater still worked.  So good things come to those that wait.....and I have been waiting for three weeks for these babies to come along. 

Brian, I think your 15 eggs were 100% hatch.  I am pleased.  I will take pictures later on to show you them, you can tell me more certainly what the breeding is....the Australorpe/Brahma cross, very distinctive.  Three of mine hatched too, I know that because they always have stripes down their backs, and look like they have black makeup around their eyes.  But there is that one (the one that my Grandson saved) that is bigger, had feathers on its legs and feet and has some black dots on its head.  I think there were 3 that had that furry feet, I will look better today.  And the pictures will tell that tale.   I think there is 18 chicks.

Frantz, I remember you telling us that story before about the little chicken feet, that was incredibly funny and you are a stinker and a brat too, for teasing the kids so, hee, hee!!!  Beautiful day, love the life we live.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


OK, the babies are all doing well.  There is 18 of the little dudes.  Last night I took some more pictures of them.  Oh wish they could stay young forever, just like all little babies of all species of life, hee, hee.

I love how the feathers on the Brahmas and Brahma crosses are so prevalent. 

Brian, if you see this post, could you please identify what that specific chick is, it is bigger than the rest, has black spots on its head, and ruffles on its legs, it must be Brahma crossed with something.  And this particular chick is a baby, it is so noisey compared to the others.  Last night I had to go down and close the door to their room because it was squawking so loud, everyone else what sleeping, but it was awake and not liking the fact that others were trying to sleep, baby!!!   And a further question, did I get any of the Buff Orpington eggs for hatching?  Do you remember?  What colour are the chicks from the Buff's if I did, would they be a mixed breed with the Brahmas?  Just curioius, you know me. 

I was very pleased with the fertility rate of your eggs, like I was saying, I think they were pretty close to 100%, you gave me 15 eggs, there are 18 chicks --three of my eggs hatched for sure, plus maybe a couple more, not sure if they were mine or not though.  I need to do better record keeping with incubation.

My chicks, which are at least three are golden with brown striping, that seems what all my chicks look like, some even look like they have black eye liner on their eyes.  Cute.  Beautiful and most wonderful days, Cindi

This is the one that bigger than the rest and is the vocal dude, the baby I would say, hee, hee

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Aren't they so sweet when they're chickies?  But, like kittens and babies, they grow up  :-D

Gorgeous little flock there, Cindi, I'd like to get a few more, but I'm not sure about integrating them, so I'll wait until I have more chicken experience. 

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

Click for Hanson, Massachusetts Forecast" border="0" height="150" width="256

Brian D. Bray

Quote from: Cindi on October 01, 2008, 11:00:20 AM
OK, the babies are all doing well.  There is 18 of the little dudes.  Last night I took some more pictures of them.  Oh wish they could stay young forever, just like all little babies of all species of life, hee, hee.

I love how the feathers on the Brahmas and Brahma crosses are so prevalent. 

Brian, if you see this post, could you please identify what that specific chick is, it is bigger than the rest, has black spots on its head, and ruffles on its legs, it must be Brahma crossed with something.  And this particular chick is a baby, it is so noisey compared to the others.  Last night I had to go down and close the door to their room because it was squawking so loud, everyone else what sleeping, but it was awake and not liking the fact that others were trying to sleep, baby!!!   And a further question, did I get any of the Buff Orpington eggs for hatching?  Do you remember?  What colour are the chicks from the Buff's if I did, would they be a mixed breed with the Brahmas?  Just curioius, you know me. 

I was very pleased with the fertility rate of your eggs, like I was saying, I think they were pretty close to 100%, you gave me 15 eggs, there are 18 chicks --three of my eggs hatched for sure, plus maybe a couple more, not sure if they were mine or not though.  I need to do better record keeping with incubation.

My chicks, which are at least three are golden with brown striping, that seems what all my chicks look like, some even look like they have black eye liner on their eyes.  Cute.  Beautiful and most wonderful days, Cindi

This is the one that bigger than the rest and is the vocal dude, the baby I would say, hee, hee

I would say that it is probably the only pure blood Brahma in the batch which means one of the you hens you likes so well and the old white rooster.


The all white are Light Brahma, the Black (even with a little white on the under belly) are the out of Austrolarp hens, The Brown ones are out of the Orpington/Brahma hens and rooster, and those with the white one with chipmonk type stripes on the back mean the banty rooster was at work with a Brahma hen.  The brown ones with the strips on the back are probably out of your chickens and could be Gold Laced Wyndote or something similar.


Looks like my banty rooster still has some zip left.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Brian, good, hee, hee, so that little Banty dude has still got some spunk, good for him, yeah!!!!  This one that is the Banty cross is certainly much larger than all the rest, and slightly more nosey, squaky and friendly.  I was looking at them in great detail last night.

I will take up more close up pictures.  Don't ask me why, but having this new stock within my chicken flock has absolutely enthralled me, it has intrigued me beyond what you could imagine, and....I can hardly wait until they grow up so I can take pictures of their growth progress.  It is very, very cool, I am so hoping that there is a rooster in the crowd, of which I am sure there will be.

I have done some very interesting comparisons with the cocklings and henlings (hee, hee, what is a young female called anyways, is it a "poulet'?).  I have noticed that about the age of just over a month, I will have to look at the pictures I took of the 34 that we just moved to the chickenyard, that the waddles and combs are very noticeable on the cocklings, even at this age.  The pictures I took will tell the tale of the age, and I will retrieve them to show this, so I may modify this post later, or just go now and get the pictures from my desktop to here..... OK, got the pictures, these chicks were incubated and born on August 7 last, so they are almost 2 months old now.  The picture was taken on September 18, so that would make them, let's see, August 7 to September 18 -- looking at calendar, OK, they were 6 weeks old.  Very clearly by that age, the gender is easily seen, as you will see by the pictures.  Look closely.....

My observation last night with the four little black chicks was that two of them had bare legs, they were slightly larger than the other two and two of the black chicks has some feathers on their legs, that was very interesting, I will get some pictures of that progress too.

The only breed of chickens that I have in my chickenyard are Antonio, the Rhode Island Red rooster (well, actually, he isn't here anymore, he left when the other ducks and chickens went for a trip last week),  and the other rooster is Roquefort, whom is a Columbian Rock (I think, he looks just like the picture in the Rochester hatchery catalogue) and Creakity Creek, which is that rose comb Banty, of which specific breed, I have no clue.  The hens are all daughters of these two roosters, that were bred with the Sex-sal-links that we originally purchased. Ooops, I told a whopper...we also had an Australorpe cross, (no longer here) and two white hens that lay brown eggs, no clue their breed.   But definitely no Wyandotte genes here.  So that is what the chicks that you see in the picture are.  Interesting.

Next year I would love to get some Barred Rocks, I think they are lovely birds, and also some Silver Laced Wyandottes too.  Pretty birds.  I think that hatching eggs may become available around February, as the activity of the rooster gets stronger. 

Yesterday, a fellow came to purchase some of my 4 month old layers, they have not began to lay yet, but will be of age soon.  He bought all 10 that I had for $8.00 each.  I mentioned to him that I had 20 more that were 2 months old, he told me when they came to 4 months of age, he would buy those too.  That is good.  I guess there is a market in my area for laying birds.  I like that.  It may generate enough money to pay for the food for all these critters that live with me, hee, hee.  Beautiful, most wonderful day, love this groovin' life we all live, love and share.  Cindi

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


I have about 30 chickens in my backyard. I also incubate some as well. Make sure they stay warm this time of year. That was really funny about the chicken nugget and tooth pick joke on the kids.


Brian, I hope you don't mind, but I was looking at the pictures that I took of your chickenyard, and I want to show our forum friends some of the beautiful birds that you have at your place.  The roosters are nothing short of magnificent and I just wanted to show off for you, you have such gorgeous birds.  Have that most wonderfully awesome day, Cindi

This is one of Brian's beautiful roosters.  If some of my chicks that I incubated from your eggs are roosters, will any of them look like either of your rooster dudes?  I sure hope so, they are a sight for sore eyes, for surely, you should be feeling such pride, my friend.  Have that most wonderfully awesome and great day, love life. Cindi

Oh yes, Brian, the golden rooster on the right, that is the cross breed of the Buff Orpington/Brahama?  You need to refresh my memory, will any of my baby chicks look like him too?  Just curious, you know me, hee, hee, and haw, haw!!!

I believe that this dude on the right is the Banty that Brian was speaking about, still got a little spunk left in him, hee, hee, Brian, how old is he?  You will see the Australorpe hens in this picture too, to the left.  I can't wait to see how your chickenyard looks, with the addition you have worked hard on to make for it.
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Brian D. Bray

Quote from: Cindi on October 02, 2008, 10:37:38 AM
Brian, I hope you don't mind, but I was looking at the pictures that I took of your chickenyard, and I want to show our forum friends some of the beautiful birds that you have at your place.  The roosters are nothing short of magnificent and I just wanted to show off for you, you have such gorgeous birds.  Have that most wonderfully awesome day, Cindi

This is one of Brian's beautiful roosters.  If some of my chicks that I incubated from your eggs are roosters, will any of them look like either of your rooster dudes?  I sure hope so, they are a sight for sore eyes, for surely, you should be feeling such pride, my friend.  Have that most wonderfully awesome and great day, love life. Cindi

The big brute front and center is about 5 years old now, he's the last survivor of the chickens my parents had when they were still with us.
The white rooster to his right is his son, 1st year Light Brahma/Buff Orpington cross.  The hens were brown (one is beside her father) and the roosters white.


Oh yes, Brian, the golden rooster on the right, that is the cross breed of the Buff Orpington/Brahma?  You need to refresh my memory, will any of my baby chicks look like him too?  Just curious, you know me, hee, hee, and haw, haw!!!

The 2 roosters are 1st generation Brahma/Orpington cross (white rooster/brown hens) and the 2nd generation cross is just the opposite (brown rooster/white hens).  You can see both generations in this picture.  It is unusual to get a 2nd generation of sex link when cross breeding chickens.  The cross is true to fist generation and then is gone is successive generations.  The Light Brahma/Buff Orpington cross is the only sex link cross I know of that has held true (though flipflopped) for 2 generations. 

The chicken pen is now well past the railroad ties you see in the background.  The current pen is 30 feet wide and 65 feet long.


I believe that this dude on the right is the Banty that Brian was speaking about, still got a little spunk left in him, hee, hee, Brian, how old is he?  You will see the Australorpe hens in this picture too, to the left.  I can't wait to see how your chickenyard looks, with the addition you have worked hard on to make for it.

The Banty was a gift from the Amish who do everything naturally.  The people my brother got the banties from even have a Yak.  The Banty rooster is a Cockin/Silkie cross and about 5 years old.

PS I did have a Golden Wyndot rooster so their may have been a little of that gene in the egg pool you got from me.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Brian, oh my excitement abounds!!!  I can't wait until I see what my little chicks grow up to look like.  I was looking at them and visiting them last night.  I think for sure that 3 of the chicks are from my Rhode Island Red, Antonio, crossed with the brown hen, and two are crossed from my, Columbian Rock, Roquefort (at least I think I have determined his breeding).  There are 18 total chicks, so that would make 13 of your 15 hatching eggs that you gave me hatched (my five, your 13 make 18, hee, hee) (I am OK with math equations, hee, hee).  That is a pretty good ratio of hatch in my eyes, you got some pretty good roosters there.

The big one you said is probably the Banty crossed with one of the hens.  Wow!!!  Wonder what this dude/gal will look like when it grows up.

I know that Silkies are white, that is so cool that the Banty of yours is so darkly coloured.  I remember looking at him at your place and marvelling at his beauty, he is one very majestic looking dude.

So interesting about the sex linking with the birds at your place, truly, I do not exaggerate, nope, nope, not one little bit.

Come the spring time Brian, and the roosters are getting going strong again, I would love to purchase some more of your hatching eggs.  I would buy them, you know that, I do not expect freebies.  But if you were willing to sell me some more, I would make that trip down to your place, I think it was about 2 hours travelling time, and we could spend the day together having some fun.  I enjoyed my visit to your place so much, you wouldn't believe it (well, there is a part that I did not like, nor did Janel, hee, hee), and that was that stench of that billy goat gruff you got going there!!!  What a stinky, stinky dude, hee, hee.  Maybe in the spring time they are not rutting and he won't stink so badly, eh?  I know my neighbour to the south of the back of my property has a billy that is rutting right now.  I can smell him in the afternoons when I am coming even close to the chickenyards.  It is funny because I don't detect his scent until the afternoon, the mornings he seems to be stinkless, that poor guy, I bet the stink makes him more attractive to the females, so too bad he doesn't stink all the time, hee, hee. 

I can't wait to see your new and improved chickenyard.  I thought the one that you had was pretty cool, it sounds like you have increased the size dramatically, and I bet the chickenyard critters had the time of their lives ripping up the new soil that was full of bugs, grasses, weeds, and all the good things that chickens love to eat and play in, good for you, good for them.  Have that most wonderfully awesome and great day, Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Brian, this will make you happy.  The babies are all growing like bad weeds.  It is too cold to put them outside in my Sister's brood rearing area, so they need to still be inside, for another few weeks.  I told my Husband I needed to think of something, and we put our brains together and he decided to design a new pen for them, one that can be portable and can be used over and over.  And he put his hands to work....

He made a beautiful pen for these little dudes and we put the pen into our cabin, which has heat in it.  This cabin is not being used right now (until our oldest foster boy moves onto independent living in the middle of November).  He will be 19 and needs to move out of the ministry care.  He is a great young man, and will be staying with us for an unknown time to come.  Probably years, hee, hee.  He is going to move into this cabin when the babies move out.....unless he wants to live with them, hee, hee.

The structure that Ken built is 4X6 and has two foot 1/2 inch poultry wire around it to keep them in (for who knows how long before they tend to fly out, hee, hee).  I have hung their heat lamp in there, but they did not appear overly interested.  Even when we peeked in at them last night, they were all flopped all over the place, having a great sleep.  Must have been a stressful day.

The chicks were freaked right out when we moved them into this new pen yesterday, but soon got to loving every minute of it.  Now today, I am going out to pick them some clumps of grass and put these clumps of grass into some shallow pots so they have some living green stuff to chomp on, I don't think the greens will last long, but at least they will a touch of Mother Nature in there for them to enjoy.  I think they are spoiled.  Have a most wonderful and awesome day.  Cindi

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service

Brian D. Bray

QuoteI know that Silkies are white, that is so cool that the Banty of yours is so darkly coloured.  I remember looking at him at your place and marvelling at his beauty, he is one very majestic looking dude.

Actually silkies come in Black, White, and Beige.

Now that I think of it, I'm sure that larger white/black chick is probably the only pure Light Brahma in the batch.  Brahma's are large chickens and about the only ones that are Larger are the Black Jersey Giants.  White Jersey Giants are about the same size as a Brahma.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Brian, I am keeping a close watch on these little dudes.  I took some picture closeups before they went down to their new house.  These were taken four days ago.  That one that you said may be the only pure Light Brahma, surely is a neat looking chick.  I sure do hope he is a rooster, hee, hee. Here's some more pictures for you.  They were hatched on September 28, that makes them 15 days old today (did I do the right math, hee, hee???)

The AustralorpeX.  There are 4 of them.  Of those 4, definitely 3 are roosters, they have the longer tail feathers already, the one that must be a hen has barely a tail at all, looks totally different. 

This is the one that you think may be the only purebred Light Brahama, keeping a really close watch on this one, hee, hee!!!  Do you like to see the pictures of your chicks, they would not be here if it wasn't your graciousness to let me take home the hatching eggs, you know, thank you again...these birds will be very special to me, Brian.....Have the most awesomely great and healthy day, Cindi

PS.  One day I would still like to help you to get that Xbreed made that you wanted to do with your chickens you told me about, so long know, the heavy meat birds.  I can't recall what you wanted to breed, but I know I have that information stored away somewhere.  You could send me hatching eggs through post and I could work on incubating them for you, when that time is right and if you still were interested in my help.  Or maybe, we could meet half way and go for lunch or something like that, you know, you drive halfway and I drive halfway, or maybe I would just drive down to your place, period.....that would be fun.  I know it is about a 2 hour drive, that's nuthin'!!! in the realm of travel.....come spring, when the roosters get all cocky again, hee, hee.

OK, I just got off the laziness, I looked up what you said about the Xbreeding to me last spring -- and this is what you said to me:

Dark (or light) Cornish (not crosses)
Black Jersey Giant
Brahma (light or dark)
Ameracauna (or Araucana)

Wonder why you wanted the Ameracauna (or Araucana) in this breed, elaborate here a little bit, Brian.....

Note the feathers on the legs, Brahma style, hee, hee

Three of the yellow ones have feathery legs, too

The AustralorpeX have interesting markings, some have black legs and some have yellow, what does that mean?  Anything?  Tell me, please!!!

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service



That is just proof that the NY Times is watching me!!! I got to be more careful from now on!!!
I love that pic. I love it!!!
Don't be yourself, "Be the man you would want your daughters to marry!!"