Twenty questions - Part 2

Started by BjornBee, November 15, 2008, 03:23:05 PM

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he got confused where he was being on a train  far away from home and could not see


Quote from: 1reb on November 20, 2008, 08:36:59 PM
he got confused where he was being on a train  far away from home and could not see

Yes, to the story, but no to the answer....  :-D

Why could he not see?

I'll get ready to ring the bell..... :lol:
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.


the light went  out on the train


Did he go through a tunnel, all went dark and he thought he went blind, tried to grab his phone to call the doc he went all the way to the city to see - who said he had plenty of time with sight remaining, but due to anxiety grabbed the gun he took to the city for protection rather than his phone and shot himself as he raised the gun to his ear to call the doc???

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

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Been following this, waiting to jump in at the right time - lol. I think I'm close, but still missing one part, but thanks 1Reb :)

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


I think you hit the nail on the head



The guy was just a simple man who went to see his eye doctor. He was diagnosed with a disease that would potentially have him lose his eye sight at any time. He was devastated. Upon traveling home, he dozed off. Upon waking up while the train was in a tunnel, he freaked out and thought he had gone blind. He then decided in a hast to take his own life as panic and fear set in.

On CSI, they make it all look so easy putting the pieces together.....  :-D

Hope everyone had fun.

Once you know how to ask questions that isolate, or eliminate possibilities, it can really be a thinking game with challenge. I have others I'll post soon. I want to say thank you for all that participated. It is fun for me reading some of the responses, as I hope it is for you guessing and putting the pieces together.
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.


It's all the other scenarios tha't half the fun. :-D



I was pretty close - cool. I'm an audiobook listener and really enjoy modern detective stories, there are so many great characters and series of books out there! Love Harry Bosh, Jack Reacher, type characters!

I surely only got this with the dozens of posts before mine - collectively we did great :)

Bjorn keep them coming, very fun to follow.

P.S. I'm sure I did it, but in case I missed it, glad to have you aboard, your first 380+ posts have been great!

NJBeemaster my YOUTUBE Video Collection

Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.



Quote from: 1reb on November 21, 2008, 09:09:16 PM
when is the next one?

I'm going to throw up another that is a bit easier and actually is a good one for parents to play with their children. It does not involve body parts in boxes or guns...  :-D

Thank you Beemaster for your comments.
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.