Beekeeping Test..

Started by beebiz, February 06, 2005, 07:38:21 PM

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35 outta 50, room for improvement to say the least. :-D
Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.  Proverbs 16:24



I got 33 out of 50 and I don't have any bees yet. I'm feeling really smart right now and I owe some of it to the wisdom being passed around this forum.

phil c

33/50 the first time and 43/50 2nd time. Thats alot of fun. I could spend some more time with the books!
AMC cars, Jeeps, Mineapolis Moline Tractors, Bees, More stuff than I have time to play with

Todd Eury

31 out of 50. Just ordered my first bees a month ago and have reading and lurking ever since.



I got 37/50

But I've been reading every day for almost 4 months and got my first bees April 1st of this year.

Guess it payed off,I did much better than I thought I would
"The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others"
Saint John Chrysostom


Larry Bees

Only 27, but I'm new.  :-D

Larry Bees

30 this time. Doing a little better. Had a lot of different questions.

Larry Bees

39 this morning!  :lol:

This test is good for beginners. I have learned a lot.


Larry Bees


Dang Larry, at this rate you'll be an expert by Fri!

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag...We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language...And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Larry Bees

I don't know Scott. Every test has a bunch of new questions on it. Maybe if I take the test enough, then I will know all of them and get a 100%. Larry


25 OUT OF 50. I have been a Beekeepers assistant for 3 weeks, I do not own my own bees yet.

Vance G

I got a 46!  I guessed right on several and the dark gluey stuff in cells is often honey!


You scored 50/50 correctly.
Ranking: You are an exaulted beekeeper.
Pass the mouse pointer arrow over the red text for an explanation of those you misssed.

Here is how you scored:

Question 1
The international standard bee marking color for 2002 is:?

a. white
b. yellow
c. red
d. green
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 2
If you were locating your bees in a new beeyard, you would consider all of the following to be good except

a. the path to the beeyard is grassy and crosses a small stream
b. there is good shade for part of the day
c. a field of clover is next to the beeyard
d. water is nearby
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 3
Of the following, which has little to do with bees producing a good honey crop.. ?

a. pollen plants
b. favorable weather
c. bee population of the hive
d. too many hives of bees in a resticted area of honey producing plants
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 4
The size of the winter cluster expands and contracts in relation to changes in outside temperatures.

a. True
b. False
c. void
d. void
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 5
If a hive has drone laying workers, the hive will....:

a. accept any queen given to them
b. be difficult to requeen
c. reject any queen given to them
d. raise a queen of their own
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 6
The state renting the largest number of bees for pollination each year is_______.

a. Ohio
b. Maine
c. California
d. Florida
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 7
Apiary inspection and laws are under the jurisdiction of the:

a. Individual State Departments of Agriculture
b. Environmental Protection Agency
c. Apiary Inspectors of America
d. none of these
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 8
Which of the following would be the worst time to work a hive of bees

a. on a Saturday when no one is around
b. when the neighbors are having a party in their yard
c. when you feel like it, it is your business not anyone elses
d. just before dark while you can still see
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 9
One sign of American foulbrood is:?

a. a yellowish/tan larva that has died in the early larvae development
b. a white chalk like mummy in a worker cell
c. a larva curled up in a C shape
d. a slimy looking mess with a coffee color in a worker cell
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 10
An old but true beekeeping saying is, it takes a lot of ____________ to produce a large honey crop

a. pollen plants
b. water
c. bees
d. rain
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 11
Where is the very worst place to locate a hive of bees?

a. facing in a southwestern direction
b. Under a shade tree
c. Near shrubs that block their flight path
d. On your lot-line facing the neighbors yard
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 12
All of the following are valid reasons for heating honey except:?

a. to help it flow better
b. to kill American foulbrood spores in the honey
c. to kill yeast in the honey
d. to liquify granulated honey
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 13
An objective way to determine the source of a particular kind of honey is...:

a. the honey must be coming from plants in bloom, you will need to identify what is in bloom
b. put the honey under a microscope to see what pollen grains are in the honey
c. check the description of the honey -- taste and color -- against what one finds in the current bee literature
d. just call it wildflower honey
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 14
A beekeeper can check to see if a new queen has been superceded by

a. marking the queen with a dot of paint when she is introduced into the hive
b. mark the hive and check for supercedure cells
c. keep good records
d. look for eggs that are laid on the side of the cell wall
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 15
On a day with temperatures at -10 degrees, you find a colony on the verge of starvation. You need to feed it...:

a. open the hive and place liquid syrup in a division board feeder located next to the wall of the hive
b. Open the hive an place a bucket of liquid syrup over the inner cover hole
c. place a boardman feeder in the hive
d. open the hive and pour granulated sugar on the tops of frames above and around the cluster and add more on the inner cover near the hole
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 16
The use of chemicals in a hive of honey bees is regulated by:?

a. instructions provided by the seller
b. the label of the product
c. the way the beekeeper uses the product
d. none of these
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 17
Queens and worker bees are alike except:?

a. both feed young larva
b. both can lay eggs
c. both have a stinger
d. both develop from fertilized eggs
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 18
The average pH of honey is:

a. 1.2
b. 3.9
c. 5.4
d. 8.3
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 19
A queen becomes a drone layer when...:

a. she is no longer fed by the bees
b. the queen loses either of her two front feet, which determines when she lays a fertilized or unfertilized egg
c. she takes a second mating flight
d. her sperm is exausted
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 20
Two queens can exist in a colony at the same time

a. true and as a matter of fact quite common
b. false, never occurs
c. true but only when virgin queens are present
d. true,but only rarely and usually in the case of supercedure of the old queen -- mother and daughter might exist for some time
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 21
One thing you will not do when handling a package of bees

a. add sugar syrup on the outside screen wire
b. keep them cool
c. keep them in a dark place
d. remove the syrup can from the package 12 hours before you are to install the package in a hive
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 22
If a hive has either a drone laying queen or laying workers, which of the following will increase in population

a. wax moths
b. queens
c. workers
d. drones
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 23
If a hive has a number of drone larvae pulled from cells and laying on the bottom board or front entrance to the hive, the beekeeper can suspect:

a. the bees are crowded and need room for honey storage
b. something is wrong with the nutritional condition of the colony
c. winter has arrived and the drones are no longer needed
d. this is a natural process that happens occasionally
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 24
A beekeeper should have a contract with another person regarding ...?

a. an visitor to your property who might be stung
b. rental of bees for pollination
c. liability to neighbors for bee stings
d. selling honey
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 25
If you add corn syrup to honey it is called..?

a. adultered honey
b. enriched honey
c. grade B honey
d. grade C honey
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 26
Examination of a brood frames shows a series of tunnels lined with silken webs going through the cell wall. This is caused by:

a. Ants
b. wax moths
c. yellow jackets
d. small hive beetles
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 27
During the fertilization of an egg by the queen, sperm are released from the:

a. micropyle of the egg
b. the spermatheca
c. the chorion
d. the ovaries
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 28
Fermentation is a common problem for beekeepers processing liquid honey if the honey contains more than ___ percent moisture

a. 14%
b. 16%
c. 18%
d. 100%
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 29
The antannae of the honey bee serves two purposes, they are?

a. touch and smell
b. touch and hearing
c. touch and seeing
d. touch and taste
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 30
If you find dead bees with their heads inserted into cells during your spring inspection, the most probable cause of their death is:

a. nosema disease
b. pesticide poisoning
c. dysentery
d. starvation
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 31
Pollen is the male germ cell of flowering plants

a. yes
b. no
c. void
d. void
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 32
Wax bloom found on the surface of beeswax is:

a. a fungal growth
b. low melting waxes that migrate to the surface
c. a deposit of yeast cells
d. a mold that lives and develops on waxd
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 33
To make a weak colony stronger, you might ...

a. remove a strong hive from its stand and place the weak colony in its place
b. move the colony to a new location with better nectar sources, closer to water, and less stress from other bees
c. kill the queen and requeen with a young queen
d. do nothing, let mother nature handle the situation
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 34
A major reason for not feeding honey to bees is.. :

a. it is too expensive
b. it may spread AFB
c. the bees might get excited and swarm
d. it will give the bees diarrhea
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 35
If a field is sprayed with an insecticide in the late afternoon, honey bees located ______ from the field would be fairly safe from an insecticide kill.

a. 1/4 mile
b. 1/2 mile
c. 1 mile
d. none of these
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 36
If under the emergency impules, the bees construct a queen cell around a 48 hour old larva withing a worker cell, the queen will emerge from her cell in ___ days.

a. 10
b. 11
c. 13
d. 16
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 37
The conversion of nectar to honey involves....:

a. a chemical change
b. a physical change
c. a reduction in moisture content of water
d. both a and b
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 38
American foulbrood can be spread most likey by which of the following?

a. sugar syrup
b. queen cage candy
c. honey
d. water
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 39
Balled is a beekeeping term used to describe...?

a. an attack on an animal such as a cow or horse that gets too close to a hive
b. a term used to describe wrapping a hive for winter
c. a term to describe a piece of bee equipment
d. none of these
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 40
Dr. Miller used a ____________ to reduce the swarming impulse in the spring by spreading out the colony population. It provided more room for the bees.

a. slatted rack
b. screen bottom board
c. queen excluder
d. Miller feeder
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 41
The chief value of the beekeeping industry to the U.S. economy is pollination. There are over _____ commercial crops pollinated by honey bees.

a. 25
b. 40
c. 60
d. 90
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 42
The floral structure that receives compatible pollen grains in order to achieve successful pollination is called the __________.

a. stigma
b. anther
c. Stamen
d. Filament
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 43
A honey bound hive is...:

a. a hive in which the bees are storing honey in what should be brood cells
b. a hive that has filled every honey super placed on it
c. a hive that has produced a surplus of honey
d. a hive that has had no honey removed from it by the beekeeper
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 44
For the seasoned beekeeper, success is often measured by...?

a. the number of swarms they produce in a season
b. how many hives of bees they own
c. the number of hives that survive the winter
d. recognition by local bee club as mr. beekeeper
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 45
Which of the following is not a modern beekeeping technique?

a. artificial insemination
b. chemicals for mite control
c. screened bottom boards
d. honey production
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 46
The fire ant is well established in the Southeastern U.S. What area is now being threatened and has established check points to inspect shipments of bees for the presence of fire ants?

a. Ohio, Pennsylvania & New York
b. Arizona and California
c. North and South Dakota
d. Oklahoma and Texas
You answered this correctly (b).

Question 47
The two approved products to treat for Varroa mites are:?

a. Apistan and Checkmite+
b. Apistan and grease patties
c. Apistan and TM-25
d. Apistan and Fumidil B
You answered this correctly (a).

Question 48
The following fact about bee development in winter is true, all others are false.

a. the queen lays no eggs
b. the queen begins to lay eggs only if the winter is mild
c. the queen will lay eggs as long as there are enough bees to keep the cluster temperature in the 70 degree range
d. the queen will lay eggs and the bees will keep temperatures in the cluster about 92 degrees
You answered this correctly (d).

Question 49
You see a large number of bees tumbling out of the hive and then taking to the air almost like a cloud. What have you observed?

a. An exodus of all the bees in the hive seeking a better home
b. The mating flight of a new queen
c. a swarm as it leaves the hive
d. a super nova
You answered this correctly (c).

Question 50
The cappings on honey cells are____________ than worker brood cappings.

a. darker and flatter
b. domed shape and smooth
c. lighter -- flatter and slightly wrinkled
d. lighter --domed shaped and very smooth
You answered this correctly (c).

Only God can make these two things.....Blood and Honey!

Larry Bees

 X:X :cheer:   :pinkelephant:   :rainbowflower:   :yippiechick:


 :imsorry: I apologize for the long....long....long post  :devilbanana: but I could not resist the least while I was taking the test my Alzheimer's did not kick in..... :?  but it did shortly afterward....LOFLMAO!  :brian:
Only God can make these two things.....Blood and Honey!
