Joy and Frustration

Started by Kris^, February 06, 2005, 11:28:32 PM

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I've been reading some of George Imirie's articles lately, and he suggested checking the hive on the first day in February that the temperature goes above 50 degrees F.  So that's what I did today, and I was pleased with what I found, I think.  There were plenty of bees in there, a lot more than what I started with last year, and healthy looking and active.  There was also a lot of food in there, both capped honey and uncapped syrup, mostly in the upper super.  I located my queen in the lower super, walking along a frame of comb that looked pretty cleaned up.  There was a good deal of empty comb in the bottom box, so I saw no reason to reverse.  

In the upper super I found a clump of dead bees about the size of a golf ball near one of the walls; the bees were mostly head-first into the comb and I couldn't pull them out of one frame where they were deeply embedded.  The bottom board had a lot of dead bees and crud, so I replaced it with a clean board.

There was no new brood in the hive yet.  I prepared some 1:1 syrup to put feed them, but held off because of all the food they had in there.  I did place a pollen patty and a grease patty between the supers before closing it up.

Would this be the right time to start feeding the 1:1 syrup to stimulate the queen to start laying?

On another note, I built some top feeders that ended up looking pretty good.  But I soon discovered that aquarium silicone apparently doesn't work well on wood.  So I used some other silicone to seal the feeders from the outside, which almost worked.  I'll have to partially disassemble them and re-seal them on the inside with something that will work.  Which is the source of my current frustration.  I hope my next projects finish up better.  :-)  

This is ALL a learning experience for me!  

-- Kris


Instead of silicone, try glueing your joints together with a polyethelene glue like gorilla glue. They are 100% waterproof and once they are set, are completely inert. :D
By the rude bridge that arched the flood
Their flag to Aprils breeze unfurled
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world


How come no one uses beeswax to seal the joints? Wouldn't it work?


Here in Michigan we still have a lot of cold weather in store for us, don't be fooled by the current temps. There fore I'm not ready for the queen to start laying yet. The night temps starting some time in the middle of March will be getting much better for brood to survive so that is about the time I'll start feeding for production rather than surviveal.
:D Al


Quote from: LesliHow come no one uses beeswax to seal the joints? Wouldn't it work?

Bees wax works fine.    When I use to use hive top feeders that is how I sealed them.  Pour some hot wax on the seam and roll the feeder around so the molten wax makes a track on the seam all the way around.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison