Beemaster FACEBOOK Group

Started by NWIN Beekeeper, March 13, 2009, 11:15:46 AM

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I'm in!!  A link to the group would be nice.  My only access seems to be a link from a comment that I had joined. Gonna look more now.


those hot bees will have you steppin and a fetchin like your heads on fire and your keister is a catchin!!!

Bees will be bees and do as they please!



This may sound strange, but I am not a member, won't do Facebook, Myspace or any of those Social Networks sites. I did twitter, reluctantly to try following the updates on a radio station I listen to, but that got old fast and I don't twit any more.

So this has some issues, like the web address and contact info it points toward is my EMAIL ADDRESS who ever is admining it now, I hope you change that to reflect the forum or - I don't want the billion face bookians emailing me, I have NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS FACEBOOK PAGE, please take my email info off the page!

I do appriciate members (looks like 68 right now) using a site like that, but I don't get these sites and never will. What happens there that doesn't happen somewhere in the forum here?

That last part is the info is out dated, almost 1000 members off and there is over 170 thousand posts here now NOT 68,000 like it says there. I hope the admin keeps up with the numbers or generically says THOUSAND of members and massive post count (or whatever) it is easy to outdate a page like this and it just doesn't seem right - if you start it, then see it through, don't abandon it.

That's just a few reasons I don't Facebook, I don't think the average page is keep current and better old news that no news isn't always realistic.
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Please enjoy the forum, and if it has helped you in any way, we hope that a small donation can be made to support our FULLY member supported forum. You will never see advertisements here, and that is because of the generous members who have made our forum possible. We are in our second decade as a beekeeping forum and all thanks to member support. At the top right of every page is a donations link. Please help if you can.


Fight organized crime!  Re-elect no one.


I am guessing its the first guy who posted in this thread but even that is just a guess, he may just be the one that posted about it. Still though he does kind of make it sound like its him.


I'm on there as well.  The way I see it, the only reason to do it is if you are already on FB and you just want to see the personal side of fellow beeks who you know from this site and because it lets your other non-beek friends know that you are into this hobby.  I always like it when people ask me about my bees...I'm pretty sure my wife and kids are sick of hearing about them :roll:...haha


This link is to my family homepage:



I understand the reluctance of some to avoid the "social networks" they all tend to be a bit 'trendy' and 'teenie'.  I do FaceBook, Tweet, and MySpace but it's merely my bowing to the Giant Spider of the Web...Google.  It helps to be on their good the major social networks are a good way to do that without completely selling out.

Anyhow.  Hello all...I'll find ya on Facebook, though I agree with the Master that this forum is a much better venue to speak bee with one another....FaceBook and the likes of it do have value.

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our facebook page needs to pick up a bit.  pictures, posts, etc. 

come on guys.  facebook won't bite! 
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859

Bee Whisper82



I joined it - I work on the web and the various magazines that I work for use it to drive traffic to their main sites... so hopefully even if Beemaster is reticent, it'll drive like-minded people here to really get into proper discussions about bees.



i just joined!!!! :) 

but i still think the forum is the best way to go

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito"


I joined the facebook group but I like the forum much more.



Awesome!  I will be joining right now! 
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will i come!!!!! :)