Getting ready for my baby chicks

Started by Beth Kirkley, February 19, 2005, 04:14:17 PM

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artificial intelligence?
In turkeys?
what will they think of next???


I'm still trying to figure out how to make a living in very rural Steuben county NY.  So if anybody has any suggestions bring'em on.  :lol:   :lol:  :lol:


Beth Kirkley

Golf - It's Artificial Insemination when saying AI for animals - silly. :) LOL

Peggjam - Making money?! Now that I haven't figured out yet. Trying to... but haven't got it yet. :) The small farmer doesn't have it easy with all the laws out there. I don't think it's actually legal for the small farmer to sell eggs, milk, honey, vegetables or possibly even livestock without all those inspections and liscensing. I know lots do it - to neighbors and friends mostly. I think the laws on selling vegetables are the lightest, and next in line of "semi easy" is selling small amounts of livestock. But when it comes to the milk, eggs, and honey.... they get kinda strict here in Georgia.

I won't comment on my ugly thoughts about that subject.



Quote from: peggjamBeth:

Yeah, these turkeys can fly!!  But you can always clip their wings.  The way you do that is to clip the primary feathers on one wing only.  Makes it so they are unbalanced, and can't fly.  

I would recommend clipping both wings, as sometimes birds with a one-wing-clip job will become 'air born'.  With only one good wing they don't have much control and usually crash pretty badly causing injury.  Doesn't always happen though.