For the ladies on the forum

Started by Keith13, March 18, 2009, 02:20:52 PM

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One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and

decides to take a nap.  Although not familiar with the lake, the wife

decides to take the boat out.  She motors out a short distance, anchors

and reads her book.

Along comes a Game Warden in his boat.  He pulls up alongside the woman

and says, "Good morning, Ma'am.  What are you doing?"   Reading a book,

'she replies, (thinking, 'Isn't that obvious?')

"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area, ' he informs her.

'I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing.  I'm reading'.

"Yes, but you have all the equipment, For all I know you could start at

any moment.  I'll have to take you in and report you".

'For reading a book?' she replies.

"You're in a Restricted Fishing Area, ' he informs her again.

'I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing.  I'm reading'.

"Yes, but you have all the equipment.  For all I know you could start at

any moment.  I'll have to take you in and report you".

'If you do that, I'll have you charge you with sexual assault, ' says

the woman.

'But I havent even touched you, ' says the game warden.

'That's true, but you have all the equipment.  For all I know you could

start at any moment.'

'Have a nice day ma'am, and he left.

MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads.  It's likely she can also




This is hysterical. I printed this one out.


I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


See...if she was smart, she would be leaving with a hundred dollars also.... :evil:

That was very good.  ;)
Please Support "National Honey Bee Day"
Northern States Queen Breeders Assoc.


My girlfriend and her DH left out this morning with their boat in tow to go fishing in Louisiana. In Shreveport, their boat trailer had a flat. Luckily, they had a spare.
Off they go.
Somewhere in between zilch and no where, they had another flat, this time on the other side of the trailer.
Oh my.
My friend stays behind with the boat and trailer while her DH takes the truck to go find a new tire.
So here she sits, on the side of a major interstate, sitting in a boat, with a trailer flattened on one side, reading her book waiting for DH to return.
Here comes the state patrol. Lights flashing. Here sits friend in boat, on interstate, reading her book without a worry in the world.
I am already rolling with laughter as she tells me this story, as the police are still there with her.
By now DH shows up, and his first comment out of the truck is, boy I can't leave you anywhere without you getting in trouble.
I am falling over laughing. So is she.
Seems, no one wanted to stop to help, but several calls were made to 911 to report a women reading a book in a boat by herself, on the interstate.
I told her she should have grabbed a rod and reel and thrown a line out onto the freeway. Now THAT would have been a good one!!
Ahhhh.....some people have all the fun.



 I failed to see the humor at the time.
I was towing a fishing boat back from one store to another. Road was wet from rain. As I turned off onto a side road with a stop sign for oncoming traffic, a girl towing an empty horse trailer locked up her brakes and slid into me, I managed to dodge her with the truck but she hit the boat and trailer. Knocked the boat completely off the trailer and into a ditch of water. I had at least 3 people at the stop sign ask me if I was catching anything while waiting the hour for patrol to show up.
Fools argue; wise men discuss.
    --Paramahansa Yogananda


You are right.   There is nothing funny about an accident.  I hope no one got hurt and everyone was fully insured.


Quote from: adgjoan on April 14, 2009, 07:56:57 AM
My girlfriend and her DH left out this morning with their boat in tow to go fishing in Louisiana. In Shreveport, their boat trailer had a flat. Luckily, they had a spare.
Off they go.
Somewhere in between zilch and no where, they had another flat, this time on the other side of the trailer.
Oh my.
My friend stays behind with the boat and trailer while her DH takes the truck to go find a new tire.
So here she sits, on the side of a major interstate, sitting in a boat, with a trailer flattened on one side, reading her book waiting for DH to return.
Here comes the state patrol. Lights flashing. Here sits friend in boat, on interstate, reading her book without a worry in the world.
I am already rolling with laughter as she tells me this story, as the police are still there with her.
By now DH shows up, and his first comment out of the truck is, boy I can't leave you anywhere without you getting in trouble.
I am falling over laughing. So is she.
Seems, no one wanted to stop to help, but several calls were made to 911 to report a women reading a book in a boat by herself, on the interstate.
I told her she should have grabbed a rod and reel and thrown a line out onto the freeway. Now THAT would have been a good one!!
Ahhhh.....some people have all the fun.


My first comment would have been "Officer, I know it was wrong for us to race, but I honestly had no idea she'd go so fast and leave me so far behind!" (you know, 'cause you're coming from behind with the wheel.)  :lau: