Laying Queen question

Started by drone1952, July 20, 2009, 04:44:45 AM

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A question that I want to hear your answer:
Does the bees feed  the laying worker as she is their queen?


In a laying worker hive, there are many laying workers, not just one.

I don't know if the workers give them the same attention they would a real queen.

Michael Bush

There are hundreds in a laying worker hive.  They don't produce the pheromone to collect a retinue.  That is a particular pheromone that is only produced by a queen.  But any bee can ask any bee to feed them and they may bet more attention than other bees due to other pheromones produced by having developed ovaries.  I have seen laying workers and caught them in the act (not as hard in a two frame mating nuc if you take the time) and I saw no retinue.
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Thank you Annette ,Michael Bush for your answers.