Promo codes and Monthly specials for beekeeping items

Started by buzzbee, December 21, 2009, 02:22:48 PM

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This is a sticky for monthly promo codes and specials for beekeeping related items. This is not to become a billboard for commercial purposes.This is an experiment only on behalf of a suggestion from one of the members.Please use it wisely and maybe we can make it a permanent addition.Moderators will delete a post they feel is too commercial.
If you post a special ,add the start and end date so the post can be removed when it has expired.Thanks


Sorry,no blinking blue light here.  ;).  People need only type :promo" in the search feature and it will come up.People should be able to look at the date of the post and see if it's an older post. i'm not sure if any one even offers that many promos through the summer.
I put this thread at the top and stickied it,but that's about all I can do on my part.It was per a member request.
I don't intend to check constantly at the vendor sites to be sure the code is still good.If someone wants to save a buck,they can put forth a little of the initiative if they want.Just as I would inquire myself.
This was put up to share if we are aware of a promo code. Nothing more ,nothing less.
Unless someone else wants to take this on and post there findings,it will probably remain as it is. :)