My chicks and me

Started by Cindi, December 29, 2009, 01:08:54 AM

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Just had to pop in for a few minutes to show some pics of my first incubation of the year.  The chicks incubated from the eggs that the broody Cochin got off of on day 18.  There will be time for me soon to get back to all my friends here, that I miss so much, just been too busy studying.

Just thought I would share a couple of pictures taken a couple of days ago, on a bad hair day, smiling.  Friendly little chicks, a Cochin pullet and cockeral, an Australorpe (now I am thinking it is a cockeral, not pullet -- wing feather sexing was wrong, eeeks!!!), and a Light Brahma pullet (pretty sure its a pullet).  The chicks love to hang out with us and really like to cuddle on my lap.  They are still in our basement suite, just over 5 weeks old, still not a single bit of smell, pretty anal about keeping the smelly stuff not there, smiling.  Enjoy.  Have that wonderful day, a most awesome life, with greatest of health.  Cindi

Just a bundle of feathers

In mamma's arms

Watch the eyes!!!  That Light Brahma gal is the most docile and friendly of them all, she always flies up onto my shoulder

The Australorpe cockeral

There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


Ah, I remember when mine would do that, now they run away, no matter how much time I spent, when they got older they got flighty - except for one, who looks to me to protect her, poor thing, she's the picked on one....great pics, Cindi!

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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Now, when they start laying, see if you can teach them to lay eggs right in the kitchen so you needn't go to the coop.  I saw a video on YouTube once where a woman had one hen that would go to the upstairs bedroom every morning and lay an egg in a shoe box.  I told Pam to see if she could teach hers to actually make them into breakfast for us in the morning, but she said she wasn't up to the challenge...LOL