Check Out The Pretty Eggs My Hens Layed!

Started by JP, January 06, 2010, 10:52:47 PM

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Man they are spoiled. They even have their own tanning bed.  :-D The colored eggs look nice. Just look at the money you will save on that silly die for Easter.


Sparky, thought I'd add the tanning light to warm things a bit, but since then I've read that I probably don't need it, nearly so. Apparently chickens can withstand extremely cold temps, well below freezing even.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Would that hole be her nostril, JP?  Are there two of them?
Is that light one of the infrared ones Cindi uses to warm her chicken box?



Quote from: Lone on January 07, 2010, 12:33:04 AM
Would that hole be her nostril, JP?  Are there two of them?
Is that light one of the infrared ones Cindi uses to warm her chicken box?


Its not a nostril Lone. The light is a 100 watt infrared, just to take the chill out of the air.

Thanks Annette, I try!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Wow those eggs are purrdy, JP.  Good size to. since I can not have my own chickens I found someone to buy eggs from.  They are ummalichous.  I have been feeding the store bought ones to my dogs.  They like that.



Proud Poppa JP!  Beautiful eggs, so much tastier & better for you. Your chix are spoiled!  I'm  not gonna show mine the pics or there will be mutiny!  Mine are po-country trailer trash chix shhhhh don't tell em.  There are many nights where it is below freezing, they are just fine.  Just make sure there is water if it doesn't thaw in the day.Amazing how fun they are to watch & quite affectionate in their own way. I have no idea on the bump hole thing, is it hard? does it bother her if you fiddle with it?  Has she always had it?  Maybe Cindi or Natalie will chime in?
I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


I had a better look at it today and believe it is a small wound, hopefully it will heal up fine. She is healthy & happy otherwise.

Hey Jody, show your....

EGGS!!! :-D

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Congrats JP!  I can't wait to get chickens!  Maybe this spring.

Pretty easter eggs!



Ziffa, get you some chickens! Ever heard of French Copper Marans? Me neither until the other day.

Look at the eggs they lay!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Is there a difference in the taste between the different colors??


Very pretty eggs JP.
Ahh, the chocolate egger, I actually have around two dozen French Black Copper Marans hens and a rooster. They do lay beautiful chocolate colored eggs, but you have to be careful who you buy them from since they have become so popular there are alot of "breeders" who are passing off all kinds of substandard chickens.
Too many have the wrong coloring, wrong feathering and lousy egg color. They want to make a fast buck and cash in while the breed is hot and are muddling up the breeding lines.

I did my research for quite a while on this breed and am very happy with how my line is performing with conformation and egg color but may introduce new genetics this upcoming year to keep improving them.
I think my next purchase is going to be some of the blue marans, they are a pretty breed.

The colored eggs do not taste any different due to coloring annette but many say they can taste the difference in the free range eggs.


heck with looking cajun; when we gona side them up with some biscits, sausage and grits
to bee or not to bee


JP you are such a brat!  :-*  I'll take some pics this weekend. One of my E'Eggers lays an olive colored egg, some lay pinkish & some the lighter blue like yours.  I have Welsummers that lay a dark brown egg with brown spots, and marans that lay shiny dark brown & leghorns that lay white.  Annette, there is no flavor difference like Natalie says, but you sure can tell the color & taste of the free range chix, yolks are almost orange & very rich.  I always giggle at the cartons that say free range vegetarian...chix are NOT vegetarians & I'm sure some bugs fly or crawl into their pens to be quickly devoured by the little velociraptors!  Mine were fighting over chunks of prime rib fat after Christmas, sure is funny to watch one run with a mouthful & all the others right behind!

I'm covered in Beeesssss!  Eddie Izzard


Quote from: bud1 on January 08, 2010, 07:25:53 PM
heck with looking cajun; when we gona side them up with some biscits, sausage and grits

Bud, when it warms up all the girls should be laying real good. My next trip to your place I'll bring some by. Stay warm Bud. Can't wait to see you next month, we gonna have a good time at the convention at Brendhans!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Oooo JP, yes I have heard of them and I do want one! I've been reading up on chickens and I think I want one buff orphington, cuz they're so pretty, one Easter egger (I think they're called Americaunas??), one of the Cukoo Marans, and a Rhode Island Red or one of the English speckled ones. lol, I'm very exact in my dreaming! 

But I have to read to find out if they want their own kind to see if I have to pick one breed. I"m in the city so no roosters allowed and I only want 4 or so cuz of space.

Natalie - what you say is true.  The Marans are really expensive around here - like 25-50 bucks each!  So I might have to forgo that one. Those eggs are soo beautiful.

Your coop looks great JP, maybe I'll have to invite you up for a visit so you can help build mine! lol :D



Ziffa, I have three different types of chickens and I want to tell you that for the most part (and Reinbeau mentioned this, quite accurately) birds of a feather really do flock together.

One of my EEs runs with my two SLWs, but she submits to them. The other three EEs run with each other & my two BOs run with the EEs. They all get along fairly well, but each type bird seems to have unique characteristics.

BOs are pretty laid back birds and overall are pretty gentle and friendly.

EEs are known for being skittish and Wyandottes are known for being bossy. My SLWs are no exception but are probably my favorites because they have sooo much personality.

So what am I saying? I have no idea.

Get you some and have some fun!

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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Those are very nice eggs JP, but the big question is how do they taste.
Semper Fi to all my brothers out there


Quote from: vermmy35 on January 09, 2010, 01:41:34 PM
Those are very nice eggs JP, but the big question is how do they taste.

Its like comparing grocery shelf honey to fresh raw honey. No comparison.

My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

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