Coates 5-Frame Nuc

Started by D Coates, March 18, 2010, 11:45:40 AM

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This is a great design for a nuc.
I make a couple a few weeks back, and if I can find some cheap ply I'll be making a hep more for swarm season!
Thanks again for this thread and the photos D Coates  :lol:



This is a great design
I'll be making a sheet of them this weekend
Thanks for Posting
I vote this too be a Sticky
"Not everything found on the internet is accurate"
Abraham Lincoln


D Coates

Quote from: ronwhite3030 on August 25, 2010, 01:20:19 PM
what size wire did you use for the feeder hole?

8?, whatever size is normally used for SBB's.  Invariably there's scrap wire left over from making SBB's this is where I use some of that.
Ninja, is not in the dictionary.  Well played Ninja's, well played...


a bump back to the top as this has been a wonderful wonderful wonderful post to me. :) 
Charla Hinkle

The Bix

Uploaded with

WOW!  That was easy, bring on swarm season!  Thanks for the plans D Coates!


Hey D Coates! Thanks for the great plans for the nuc/swarm catcher box! I actually made eight of them last Friday. I accidently bought a sheet of 3/8 (11/32") plywood and cut everything out - then realized my mistake. I had a few pieces of scrap 15/32" plywood laying around so I made the end pieces out of these, used the 3/8" sides, bottom, and top pieces and the frames fit perfectly! I still had half a day left and I was so inspired and pleased with my four 'mistake boxes' that I went back to Lowes and bought a sheet of 15/32" and made four more boxes in just under three hours. Not a bad day's work (or fun) and I now have eight swarm traps ready for painting for a total expense of less than $40.00, including glue and brads. I used 1-1/4" brads and my brad nailer to hold stuff together while the Titebond III glue dried. I have some medium brown Behr exterior latex enamel left over from another job that I intend to use on them before putting them out. Your measurements were "Dead On" and no adjustments were necessary when assembling them.
Thanks again for sharing.
Do your best and let God do the rest.

Mtn. Bee

Thanks for sharing, excellent plans!    :-D :-D
Hugus Creek Honey Farm
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Quote from: The Bix on January 07, 2011, 09:54:01 PM

Uploaded with

WOW!  That was easy, bring on swarm season!  Thanks for the plans D Coates!

Hey Bix..were these some of your driveway builds?  :-D

Looks good


thanks this is something i have been trying to find for a long time. i have some scraps that i have been letting pile up

The Bix

Hey Bix..were these some of your driveway builds?  :-D

Looks good

Exactly :) though I did sneak a two or three cuts inside the garage.  SShhhhh!


Swarms are coming down south soon
I should have had 10 of these built all ready
But as usual I dragged azz :-x
Does anyone have the layout drawing for a 4x8
piece of ply wood I thought it was posted
and I had it saved  :?

"Not everything found on the internet is accurate"
Abraham Lincoln


Quote from: Tommyt on January 27, 2011, 01:50:37 AM
Swarms are coming down south soon
I should have had 10 of these built all ready
But as usual I dragged azz :-x
Does anyone have the layout drawing for a 4x8
piece of ply wood I thought it was posted
and I had it saved  :?



If your looking for swarm traps, I do have a layout drawing for my $2 swarm trap that get 15 traps out of 2 sheets of ply, 1/2 sheet luan, and some coroplast signs.

BTW, I think Drew has a great design on these nucs, and sent him PM to see if he would be OK with me putting plans and layout drawing for his nuc on my website (with full credit to him of course).  If I get his permission,  I'll put it out for download tonight.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


"Not everything found on the internet is accurate"
Abraham Lincoln


Quote from: Robo on January 27, 2011, 10:12:03 AM
BTW, I think Drew has a great design on these nucs, and sent him PM to see if he would be OK with me putting plans and layout drawing for his nuc on my website (with full credit to him of course). 

Plans can be found here ->
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


WOW!  Robo you do the drawing or Drew? Whichever thanks!!!!!!!!!!!



I drew them, but Drew did the thinking ;)
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison



Here is the drawing I was looking for on D Coates

"Not everything found on the internet is accurate"
Abraham Lincoln



Be careful with that layout,  it doesn't account for the saw kerf.  So although it appears that there is some scrap from the initial rip cuts,  assuming 1/8" kerf, there is less than 1/10" of an inch.   In fact, if you look at the measurements, they already reduced the width of the end caps 1/8" to make it fit.

If you prefer rip cuts,  here is a layout that gives you a little margin with full width end caps.

I included the layout for preferred cross cuts with the plans.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison