Reinstate the BSA Beekeeping Merit Badge

Started by Robo, April 01, 2010, 11:22:31 AM

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Each year the Pierce County Bee Keeper (PCBK)offer 1 or 2 scholarships to young people who want to try beekeeping.  This year we had a scout win one of the scholarships.  He was able to build and maintain 2 hives and attended both club meetings and apiary inspections.  Today he harvested 20 frames of honey.  It is sad to think that the BSA will not honor the academic challenges and hard work that went into what he did.

My son is also a scout and considering starting his own hive.  I hope more folks will step up and bring this badge back.


Is this still in "play" or has the BSA made a decision?


Quote from: greg755 on April 17, 2013, 09:52:56 AM
Is this still in "play" or has the BSA made a decision?

This is a relatively old link. BSA decided. No is the answer. BUT they are including SOME aspects of beekeeping in other merit badges.


Is the Beekeeping Merit Badge been reinstated ???

               BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


Quote from: Jim 134 on May 10, 2013, 05:40:03 PM
Is the Beekeeping Merit Badge been reinstated ???

BSA recently announced its response to Christopher's request, and the news is mostly good. While BSA is not agreeing to reinstate the Beekeeping Merit Badge, it is agreeing to incorporate beekeeping activities into several different existing merit badges.
Emphasis of the importance of bees and beekeeping will be added to or enhanced in eight existing merit badge pamphlets: Bird Study, Forestry, Gardening, Nature, Plant Science, Pulp and Paper, Environmental Science, and Insect Study. All of this will be accomplished by the end of 2015. One of those badges, Environmental Science, is needed for a scout to attain Eagle rank. Although the BSA is not reinstating a merit badge specific to beekeeping, it is making changes that provide opportunities to expose over 100,000 boys a year to the joys of beekeeping.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Well, I have not updated this forum of the work I chose to do when we found out National will not reinstate the Bee Keeping merit badge.

I chose to go ahead and run a Bee Keeping program in our troop anyway, using the fundamentals of the last published Merit Badge book.

My first order was to evaluate the Booklet. And I thought a quick revision would be easy, in the end it took 6 months from start to being published , I then approached the local Bee Suppliers and got agreement for help for equipment. Some free , others deep discounts. Each boy had to buy the book for $3

Our own IDDEE became one of our big brothers, and we started in the workshop in January , building boxes and frames, by early March we were wiring frames and putting in foundation. By April our first bees arrived and we had monthly sessions out at the hives.

The boys had to handle the bees, point out brood in all stages , identify the drones and queen ( unmarked) ,
I created a worksheet for the boys who were doing the merit badge, 9 started January 2012, 4 have completed all tasks and been awarded a Bee Keeping cct, plus my wife runs an embroidery business , so we recreated the badge. 3 more have only minor practical items to complete , one left and one won't  come near the hives at all.

We harvested 8 frames from the one hive and each leader and Scout got an 8 oz jar of their honey, which they had helped harvest and extract and eventually full their own bottle.

Boys had to commit to a total of about 24 hrs for the year, all had to wear a veil when close to hives , even though I don't , like Iddee.

I have very few workbooks left, but if anyone wants to run a program, I will happily help, and if enough interest, will publish another 50 books.

All the requirements are in the blog, and some chapters from the rewritten book.

Email me if interested.

Ass Scout Master troop 107 Greensboro NC

Newbee 2011


:th_thumbsupup: X:X X:X X:X

                BEE HAPPY Jim 134 :)
"Tell me and I'll forget,show me and I may  remember,involve me and I'll understand"
        Chinese Proverb

"The farmer is the only man in our economy who buys everything at retail, sells everything at wholesale, and pays the freight both ways."
John F. Kennedy
Franklin County Beekeepers Association MA.


My sons are both Eagle Scouts and I would have LOVED to be a counselor for bee keeping!
Even though they are done, I still would!


It is really too bad they will not reinstate the bee keeping merit badge. Earning it is solely responsible for my becoming a beekeeper.   As well as the instruction My merit badge councilor gave me a 5 frame nuc to care for, for the summer  it helped me to understand the workings of a hive, as well as to identify potential problems.
I remained in close contact with him until his death in 2001. 
  My greatest sense of pride in life came when he asked my advice on a bee matter.


Quote from: Tenbears on June 24, 2013, 11:48:02 AM
  My greatest sense of pride in life came when he asked my advice on a bee matter.
That's an amazing feeling, isn't it?!
It just goes to show that the fellow was very smart. He knew enough to consider all viewpoints when he was trying to make a decision!


I have been a merit badge councilor for some badges in the past. Hope they come back to their senses.


I have been a BSA Leader for over 32 years until my knees gave out. Irving seldom admits their errors (in this case a Merit Madge Program) that most states and even the federal government realize is a vital program for the future of this country.  -Mike
Listen to others but make your own decisions. That way you own the results.
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