
Started by wd, April 12, 2010, 10:03:10 AM

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there's one bee that doesn't fit in, I didn't notice it until I looked at this picture. I' wondering if its another queen. perhaps a young one. I do see the varroa


I definatly see one queen and a few drones in that picture.


Guess I'll find out when checked next.


About the question, checked today, same queen, if there was another, shes' head honcho now and laying. The closed queen cell is open with no new. Some drones almost solid black are on the frames and flying in out.

Shot some pictures but these were the only ones that turned out ok. Left some others requeen from cells. here's one of the results.


I think I ought to mention that I'm still not sure if this is an old queen or a new queen. I looked twice and couldn't find one. On the second check there were four capped queen cells. I left two cells waited and watched. Drones are present and flying but I didn't look at it as guaranteed. the doubt remains.