How many Hives do You have?

Started by beemaster, March 30, 2004, 08:50:08 AM

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How many Hives do You have?

- Sometimes not enough.  Most times too many.

When the lid goes back on, the bees will spend the next 3 days undoing most of what the beekeeper just did to them.


I?m bumping this at the request of one of our members.
Right now I have three hives. I have had as many as 25 at times. I?ve cut back a lot.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I try to stay under 50 hives in 3 yards plus the last 5 nuc's for the seson.


I have more than 10 hives total
I keep bees elsewhere than my own property
I have one hive and four nucs on my own property in town, two hives at a friend's house across town, three at another friend's place about 15 miles away, and five more a couple miles from there.  I drive a lot.  It is definitely just a hobby.   It's a hobby that takes more than it gives, financially! 

Terri Yaki

Quote from: jimineycricket on December 30, 2023, 10:32:44 AM
I have more than 10 hives total
I keep bees elsewhere than my own property
I have one hive and four nucs on my own property in town, two hives at a friend's house across town, three at another friend's place about 15 miles away, and five more a couple miles from there.  I drive a lot.  It is definitely just a hobby.   It's a hobby that takes more than it gives, financially!
It could be could own horses just for fun.


QuoteI have more than 10 hives total
    I keep bees elsewhere than my own property
    I have one hive and four nucs on my own property in town, two hives at a friend's house across town, three at another friend's place about 15 miles away, and five more a couple miles from there.  I drive a lot.  It is definitely just a hobby.   It's a hobby that takes more than it gives, financially!

It could be could own horses just for fun.

Amen brother! Preach it to 'em!

Ben Framed

Quote from: jimineycricket on December 31, 2023, 09:52:16 AM
QuoteI have more than 10 hives total
    I keep bees elsewhere than my own property
    I have one hive and four nucs on my own property in town, two hives at a friend's house across town, three at another friend's place about 15 miles away, and five more a couple miles from there.  I drive a lot.  It is definitely just a hobby.   It's a hobby that takes more than it gives, financially!

It could be could own horses just for fun.

Amen brother! Preach it to 'em!



I have ~40 in 2 yards and I'm building a 3rd yard next month at my new property.....and my kids are pushing really hard for horses  :tongue:
The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.
Proverbs 20:7

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proberbs 16:24

Ben Framed

Quote from: AustinB on January 09, 2024, 09:42:11 AM
I have ~40 in 2 yards and I'm building a 3rd yard next month at my new property.....and my kids are pushing really hard for horses  :tongue:


Bill Murray

So, Its not all about number of hives. Its about strong ,resilient, production hives. ATM Im running 5 out yards and I try to keep those yards under 40 (38 being my number). I cant work an over 40 yard without robbing. My home yard (house) get all the small hives, Puny hives, nucs, etc. that I need to keep an eye on. I keep 3-5 strong hives here to boost population in the weak colonies. Any more strong colonies than that again I get robbing issues. These hives are moved, combined and or done away with every spring to get room for another 40.  My growth is limited to yards and wooden-ware in that order.