What Are People Using To Melt Large Quantities of Beeswax For Candles?

Started by JackInCT, December 17, 2010, 05:54:29 PM

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This will be my second year as a hobbiest beekeeper.  So these are great ideas.  Thanks for the video.  I went down to the old Deseret Industries store (kind of like a Goodwill store) and bought an old used ceramic crock pot for $8.  I put it on low and melt my wax in there with the lid on.  My wife buys soy milk which comes in those paper wax cartons.  I save them, clean them out and open up the tops.  I then put a small square of cheese cloth over the top and pour the hot wax through the cheese cloth into the carton.  The cheese cloth filters the wax of any sludge that might make it over the top.

By the way, what is that dark black or brown sludge?  Is it good for anything? I just threw it out.

I thought about making a rheostat out of a dimmer light switch so I can control the heating to the crock pot better instead of just having a low and high setting.  Any thoughts?