Foundationless frame question : adding another box?

Started by bayareaartist, June 24, 2005, 12:44:58 PM

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Foundationless frame question

I have went with foundationless frames. I built these myself and I made them 12” deep.
I looked in the hive yesterday and they had drawn most of the frames down to about 7 to 9 inches. The frames being numbered from left to right 1 thru 10, 1 and 2 seem to be basically honey and pollen stores, then the rest is honey on the top edge and tight clusters of brood, it looks great.
What I am afraid of is the nectar filling up the cells and not enough for the queen to lay in.
I have not been feeding syrup for weeks now.
The hive is in San Francisco and the weather is cool still here, we do not get a succession of warm days until the fall.

I am afraid of swarming when there is no more room. There are no swarm cells I will keep an eye out for these.

Is it too soon to put another box on, I have one frame #7 that is a deep brood frame someone gave me and it is packed full of brood, I could move that up into the new box on top, but I am afraid that will chill the brood, and I cannot move the honey frames up, 12 in frames, I now see the error of my ways with that.

It is a hive that has an upper entrance.


It is often suggested that additional boxes be added after 70% of the frames have been drawn, though your weren't specific about all the frames, I'm assuming you meant they were all pretty well drawn.  And yes, you now see why most people suggest uniform equipment, for ease of interchangeability.

Don't wait for the first sign of swarm cells before you prevent swarming, most of the time it will be too late.  At the first sign of swarming, some keepers tear down all the queen cells they can find, and then open up the brood nest.  Often times, the hive still swarms, leaving behind a queenless colony, sometimes there was still a hidden queen cell left intact.  Either way, you lost half the colony, as well as a viable queen.