Bee Cloaks

Started by asleitch, July 21, 2005, 08:54:47 AM

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I'm not sure if you guys over the other side of the pond have been following the attempt at breaking the bee beard record. Anyway, this attempt was to both to raise money for the charity "Bees for Development", and to promote awareness of the upcoming world beekeeping congress - Apimondia which is in Ireland this year.

A temporary internet page to see the details here:

And mid way through the attempt! At 200,000 I think

A mask was required to allow normal breathing!

I believe he had only 7 stings, and they all occurred when they were removing the bees from him.

Here he is looking more normal!

And if anyone is feeling generous, a link to the justgiving website...



That's awesome.  I bet he wasn't cold with 60 lbs of bees on him.  I don't think you'd get me to do that.