
Started by kingbee, October 22, 2012, 10:10:08 PM

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Evolution in the Teaching of Third Grade Math.

Today I purchased a burger for $1.58. The young cashier took my 2 one Dollar bills, then I pulled 8 cents from my pant's pocket and gave them to her. She stood there holding the nickel and 3 pennies, just looking at the screen on her register. I asked her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she started to cry. Why do I tell you this? I tell you this because of the evolution since the 1950s in the teaching of math and science.

1. Math in the 1950s.
A lumberjack sells a truckload of logs for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of this price. What is his profit ?

2. Math in the 1960s
A lumberjack sells a truckload of logs for $100. His cost of production
is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

3. Math in the 1970s
A lumberjack sells a truckload of logs for $100. His cost of production
is $80. Did he make a profit ?

4. Math in the 1980s
A lumberjack sells a truckload of logs for $100. His cost of production
is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

5. Math in the 1990s
A selfish lumberjack cuts down a beautiful forest because he is an inconsiderate Capitalist who cares nothing for the habitat of animals, the lives of trees, or the preservation of our endangered woodlands, not to mention Man Caused Global Warming.
He does this so he can make an obscene profit of $20. What do you think of his selfish way of making a living by destroying the Earth's environment?
Topic for discussion: Tell us how the birds and the chipmunks feel about this greedy lumberjack cutting down their wonderful homes?  By the way there are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying or need to be excused from class so you can visit a school funded grief counselor it's ok.

6. Math in the Twenty-first Century:
Un hachero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El costo de la producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho?

ANSWER: His profit is $16,375,098.24 because his logging operation is a front for  smuggling marijuana.


But he got caught, the county bought a chopper for 25 million,installed a thermal scanner for 5 million. The county spent a half million dollars in court for lawyers and they convicted him. He had to pay a $50 fine and went back to farming. Only in America.  Tony 


Sad but true  :roll:

Where I live most of the banks don't accept cash, and you can only withdraw from an ATM.

How the  :evil: are we supposed to teach children to count and use/save money when they cant deposit there pocket money in the bank  :-x

mvh edward  :-P



5 years ago our economy was booming, tree cutting and clear cuts had to be behind green spaces so people could not see and be offended.  Now there is no sales tax and the states is broke so they now clear cut right up to the road and advertise it as 'state income for the schools'.  My kids still 'boo' when they see the clear cuts but cannot answer what is a better renewable resource.  Math? whats that?
Poor decisions make the best stories.


Quote from: minz on October 23, 2012, 04:44:09 PM...  My kids still 'boo' when they see the clear cuts but cannot answer what is a better renewable resource...

I suspect my part of the country produces a faster regrowth than the PNW, and here I know of places that are ready for or nearing their 3 hearvest during my lifetime.  Besides, Monsanto and ADM have little to do with growing most timber.  In MHO most of those who have taken up leadership posetions against the logging industry would still be against the logging industry if it solved Global Warming, cured cancer, and produced world peace.  They object to the second word in the phrase "logging industry" more than they object to the first word, "logging." But I have already said enough.
