Finnish Independence day 6 dec

Started by edward, December 06, 2012, 12:16:37 PM

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Today the Finns are celebrating independence, some fun facts

+15 °C, Spanish wear caps, gloves and winter coats, Finns are sunbathing.

+10 °C, French desperately try to get their central heating on. Finns plant flowers.

+5 °C, Italian cars won't start. Finns drive with convertibles.

0 °C, Pure water freezes. Water in river Vantaa thickens a bit.

−5 °C, First people are found frozen in California. Finnish midsummer festival ends.

−10 °C, Scottish turn the heat on in their houses. Finns start to use long-sleeve shirts.

−20 °C, Swedes stay indoors. Finns are having last barbecue before winter.

−30 °C, Half of the Greek people have frozen to death. Finns start to dry their laundry indoors.

−50 °C, Polar bears evacuate North Pole. Finnish army starts it's winter training.

−70 °C, Siberian people are moving to Moscow. Finns are furious since the Koskenkorva booze can't be stored outdoors anymore.

−273 °C, Absolute zero. Finns admit that it is quite cold outside.

−300 °C, Hell freezes over. Finland wins the football World Cup.

mvh edward  :-P



Finski is going to get you for that one...  :lau:
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


Finnish jacuzzi !

Koff Perkele!

Where is Seppo? , beer! , jacuzzi hahahaha

mvh edward  :-P



There were two Swedish and one Finnish in a elevator.
A Finnish let a fart.
When the Finnish went out, the Swedish said to another:
- A virgin

Language barrier NOT included


haha but he said it in a Finish/Swedish accent  :-D

Mark Levengood and Jonas Gardell I presume  :-D

mvh edward  :-P


That is funny!

Now what temperature do the bees in Finland freeze up?  -400C?

Vance G

A late and hearty salute to the Finns!  Just as stalwart a breed as I know.  Their campaign against the Russians at the beginning of WWII was beyond epic!  The finns were good as any ten russian soldiers, but the eleventh got them.  Endless supply of Russians and a thin heroic line of finns.