wanted - swarm

Started by mpilting, May 22, 2013, 01:55:15 PM

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My two colonies were winter-killed due to last years drought. Is there anyone in minnesota area who might sell/give away a swarm or two? thanks


get your name on some of the swarm catch lists for your area and try craigs list.  most of the people i know who are catching swarms are doing it to build their own yards.  you, too, can catch swarms  :-D
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Call the 911 operator tell them you will remove swarms.
Fire fighters and most of all your towns road and parks crew they know long before 911 normally.
The extension office too.
You might could run a add in the paper most will let you run one for free if you are doing it for free.
State in the add you are doing swarms not hives unless you would like to do them.
Michael Haddon



If your doing it for free you may get calls from people who do not know what they have.  They will call you for yellow jackets, wasps and things that look like bee's.  Before wasting your time ask question about what they are seeing, where it is, and size.