To strain "mash & strain" honey

Started by beebiz, February 21, 2006, 11:59:19 PM

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We use pantyhose material to strain our fryer oil before processing it into biodiesel, and it has to be pretty clean or it would clog up the reactor.  I don't see why it wouldn't strain honey just as well.  Wash it first with an antibiotic soap and rinse well if you're concerned about that.  For myself, I just use regular window screening to drip the extra honey off my cappings when I extract.  But now that I think about it, the next time I might try putting the wet cappings in a knee-high and spinning THAT in the extractor.

-- Kris


Quote from: beebizAnd, before anyone says cheesecloth, I tried to strain some honey several years ago with some cheese cloth that I bought at Wal-Mart and it didn't work very well for me.  The cheese cloth seemed to absorb way to much honey and it was a pain in the butt getting it out!!
You need to wet it and wring it out first.  20 years ago that was the norm and it worked fine.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Michael Bush

>But, I do have a question. Can I disassemble mediums (I don't have enough deeps to do this) and re-assemble them to make the horrizontal hive? What I mean is, would constructing one this way be structurally sound enough? If not, any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

It's not worth the hassle.  Save them for nucs for starting hives in and catcing swarms in.  Make the hive from one by eights and you don't have to rip them down even.

> $200.00 for an extractor

Where can you get an extractor for $200?  

>$4.00 jar of honey. You can make your money back and some in your first year.

Or cut it for cut comb and sell it for $6 or more a pound and NOT buy the extractor and it's all profit.
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:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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OH BOY !  If i like to insult someone I have now really good material in front of me.  Tell me when we start. Who is first?


Finsky, I LOVE your sniper kitty!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Thanks for the input Michael.

Michael Bush wrote:
QuoteOr cut it for cut comb and sell it for $6 or more a pound and NOT buy the extractor and it's all profit.

Or do like I intend to do.... crush and strain, then use the wax to make your wife those good smelling candles that sell for $5 and up!  I've seen her go through 15 of them in a month's time.  She likes to keep one going in every room!!
Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


Quote from: beebizthen use the wax to make your wife those good smelling candles that sell for $5 and up!  I've seen her go through 15 of them in a month's time.  She likes to keep one going in every room!!

To produce 1 lbs wax bees need to gather 8 lbs honey. If you get 4 lbs wax from hive per summer you do not get many cancles. If bees do not get honey whey will not make wax.

If you like to sell candles it is better to buy extra waxes from beekeepers.  Raw wax is very cheap when you pick it from farm.


Beewax from China

You may ask from China what is the price of beewax  1 ton in USA harbour
May le <[email protected]>

Or you may buy ready beewax candles and sell them.


Thanks Finsky!  But, I don't think I want to get that deep into the candle making!!  I don't want to sell them..... I just thought I'd use the wax that I get from the bees to make a few candles for my wife.  You know, to kind of keep her happy! :D

I have given some very serious consideration to the suggestion that you and Michael made about me using a horizontal hive.  And, I've pretty much made up my mind that I will give it a try.  If it works well for me and is as easy on my back as it sounds like it will be, I may end up with several hives!!!  But, I'd like to just try 1 or 2 before I begin mass production of the horizontal hives!  :)

If they work well for me and I am physically able to keep up with them, I'm sure that I will purchase an extractor.  But, that will be some time down the road.  If I were to begin extracting honey, I would need a place to store the combs while they are not in use, and I don't have such a place right now.  And, it will probably be some time before I can financially aford to build such a place.  For now, I will just have to be happy with my 1 hive and the dream of acres and acres of hives!!!! :D

Thanks again for your input!
Smile!  The rest of the world will wonder what the heck you're up to!


It just goes to show its not just a language problem. My fellow countryman (twice) COULD OF upset me, I was raised in in Africa too and now reside in UK
Lets just stop argueing with each other and get on with exchanging bee knowledge and take from it what we wish and leave that we do not agree with.  Ive seen posts from most of you saying somthing on the lines of "ask 10 beekeepers a question and get 10 different answers that are all correct"

Moan over.

Late last year I was thinking of going over to longhive (due to my age and disability) and saw that Michael Bush operated both vertical and horizontal hives I corresponded with him on the subject and got some good advise. I did this because although in Africa the most common hive is a longhive they have a different race of bees Following his and other advice I have spent the winter making a couple of longhives and will put them to use as soon as I am able. So if you are considering it also Beebiz good luck to you
listen to others. You do not always know as much as you think you do.

Jack Parr

Quote from: Jerrymac
Quote from: TwT

there isn't a extractor for topbar hives, I dont think anyway,,,

Just got my new betterbee catalog today this is what it says about this extractor on page 55;

"This extractor was originally built to extract frames from top bar hives."

The Sweinty extractor featured in the Better bee catalogue WAS devised exactly for the A F R O nations of the world. At 229 bucks it is not the best deal and an equivelent priced up-right extractor would be better IMO, for the non A F R O countries.

Personally I purchased the " Italian extractor " featured on the same page. Having that 100 # holding tank at the bottom of the contraption is really very nice.  The" Little Italy " will do two deep frames or four mediums. The screen that the honey goes through is all I use as a filter. Works well. With a little modifaction the " Little Italy" can be modified with an electric motor, if so desired.

Ian Micheal , everything in America is about " RACE ". and of course there are those who are offended, or, pretend to be offended by " so called incorrect terms " A F R O ??? that are used or misused. Personally, I am not offended because I come from the former " Plantation " part of the US and know the story.  :wink:

I would also like to thank you and your long dead ancestors " read Europeans" for in fact getting the " New World " into the predictment of the"  R A C E - A F R O " quandry. Of course YOU know that story.  :?:  :?:

Funny how these FORUMS tend to drift into " off-topics".  :lol:


Afro??? Isn't that a hair style from the sixties???

Jack Parr,

The catalog never says if the little Italian is a radial or tangential since you have one perhaps you could enlighten me. Thanks
:rainbowflower:  Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.   :rainbowflower:


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I have a little Italian also, it's Tangential.  It's great though. That holding tank underneath is awesome and comes with a filter.


I know this topic has gone from hot to warm to hot to cool, but I need to say a few word here publicly....

BeeBiz - John F. Kennedy made a major German language blunder in his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech in Berlin, Germany.  The story goes that he should have said "Ich bin Berliner" ("I am a citizen of Berlin"), and that "Ich bin ein Berliner" really means "I am a jelly doughnut."  (A "Berliner" is in fact a type of jelly doughnut made in Berlin.) Keep this OFTEN NOTED speech blunder in mine when dealing in an INTERNATIONAL FORUM.

I strongly suggest if you have a problem with another member, done the following: inform them privately that you find their words offensive and also let the forum moderators know or me privately that you were offended by something said. I know it is NOT easy to feel slapped in the face and not slap back, but whether you agree or not - THAT is exactly what you should do.

If his reply was offensive, it could have AND WOULD HAVE been removed immediately. You did not choose this option, so you entered into a battle of words willingly. And frankly, the more Finsky replies, the deeper his foot goes into his mouth, every time when an issue turns confrontational! His word usage and frankness (a definite cultural thing Finsky claims - I honestly don't know) differs greatly than how most people approach an issue. Being from a RED STATE (Conservative red - that's a good red) you have obvious traits that differ from Finsky. A southern Gentleman (and call me a stereo-typist if you want) should be insulted, unless of course he understood Finsky's meaning which started this melee.

I understand where you are coming from BeeBiz, my brother died at 21 from respiratory failure after a totally debilitating life of Cerebral Palsy - he couldn't walk, talk or feed himself, but his mind was as sharp as mine and yours. I KNOW the frustration he felt and how it can effect the "length of your fuse" when dealing with anyone who seems to be baiting you - whether they are or not. I just ask you now, to cool your jets a bit and FINSKY I ask you the same.

FINSKY - as cute as you Sniper Kitty may be, put it back in it's cage and keep your boxing gloves in their case where they belong.

I have been aware of Finsky's "use" of English for a very long time, you are not disclosing anything that we all don't already know - FEW PEOPLE in the forum have come to bat for him as I have and occasionally I hear it from the masses, but I need a membership willing to accept people NOT ONLY for who they are, but from "where" they have been shaped and molded. If you can not accept "that" different cultures need to respect each other, then this forum is NOT a place to be.

A quick note on the Afro-style comment. I understood what Finsky meant. If he had said Irish Style, Italian style or any other style, would you have reacted the same way? His reply was not racist, it was factual to a method of netting honey from comb.

I pride anyone using English as a second language, but when you add it to Finlandian culture which (if we use Finsky as an example) uses worlds to debate issues without the "use of respect and consideration" as much of the world expects in a sentence, then reading Finsky's replies might be like chewing "a mouth full of aluminum foil" with a "mouth full of fillings".

Think of him as an UNPOLISHED ROCK, all jagged and pointy, yet toss him in the tumbler for a while (a very long while) a beautiful gem appears. You have the right to assume I'm nuts on that, but I'm telling you as I see it. That may explain to many of you WHY he has been around as long as he has, I'm a true belief in a persons potential, not their appearance and I give everyone here that same courtesy. BLATANT ATTACKS get you booted on the spot, but that is another issue all together.

Sadly, we never get to see the polished stone that Finsky could be - I've known that and accept him as an example of what English would be WITHOUT all the POMP and CIRCUMSTANCE we commonly speak. Finsky is what he is, love him or hate him - there are VERY FEW people neutral on him.

So BeeBiz, I leave you with an old TQM (Total Quality Management) saying, you can't change them, you can only change you. I'm not asking you to be stepped on by him or anyone else here, just don't do what our government (lately) loves to do, that is "spread democracy and diplomacy to the world" we don't do that here, we keep bees here.

Again, if there is a problem post, we can make it go away, or (and I rarely use this word EDIT the content down. I have a language filter and I believe IT is enough of a control method in these forums. The rest is up to the membership and how well they conduct themselves. That is why in MOST FORUMS members can not edit their own text, I set it up that way as an insurance policy - be sure you type is what you mean, because once it is posted it is there for everyone to see until edited or delete by the moderators.

Behave, both of you - these long letters give me a headache. And lastly, as I read the replies here, I see an informal poll concerning how different members feel about Finsky - the forum is NOT where members are discussed openly, it only baits more of the same peeing contests that will not be tolerated.

Now....  shallow and medium supers do seem like a better way to go. Cost wise, it is more costly to have a 5ft tall hive made of shallows compared to the cost of deeps - more supers, more frames, etc., even when the cost of parts are cheaper per part, you need more quantity. But the weight difference could be the difference of saving your spine or crippling yourself more.

I know from what I have read that money is a serious concern, I would hope that local club support could help you out - your bee yard could even be a club project, in that case YOU get the benefits of having the bees, yet the cost could be offset and assistance might be available. I hope you find the answers you are looking for, surely someone could extract frames for you, I can't imagine a club without members willing to help out.

We have probes circling the moons of Saturn taking high resolution images showing that liquid water is spouting up from below the surface and freezing into crystals, forming ice volcanoes and adding crystals to the planets rings - SURELY there has to be a way for you to keep bees with having to suffer.
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