breaking my dogs from chasing my chickens

Started by 10framer, July 06, 2014, 11:27:58 AM

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any thoughts on how to break my squirrel dogs from killing chickens?  i had a 5 foot chain link fence put up to keep the dogs in but for now i'm letting the chickens stay in it and keeping the dogs out.  still missing a young dominique rooster this morning.  i'm going to buy training collars today.  i hate to shock dogs but that seems to be what it's going to take.  the system i'm buying has vibrate and tone modes too.  hopefully those will be enough after the first few jolts.


The collar is probably your best bet. I have heard of tying one of the chickens to their collar, close to their neck and making them wear it for a day. I have not tried it yet because our dogs never killed one yet. The important thing is that you are the alpha and insist that they leave them alone. Put the dog on a leash and take it to the chicken. When the dog tries to attack, correct with the leash. The best thing to do is spend a day with the dog on a leash. And keep him under control all day. After that they have no doubt that you are the alpha.
I did this with my daughter's  year old pup who was out of control and she calmed right down that day.
It works real well.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


jim, the dog is crafty enough to avoid the chickens if i'm around.  the other dog will move all through them just to get to poop (it must be delicious).  i think instinct kicks in with my male when she stirs them up and they run.  he also likes barred chickens in particular.  barred rocks and dominiques don't fare well around my place.  i think i lost my young dominique rooster to the neighbors cat last night or this morning.  he was missing and the dogs aren't showing any signs of feeling guilty (they tell on themselves).  i did tie a chicken to his collar one day last week and he left them alone for about a week.  i'm finishing up a coop this morning and the chickens are just going to have to be a little crowded until i get my bigger one finished next week.  then the layers move to it.  and then i need to build a rooster pen.  by the way, if anyone is interested in some black ameraucana or french black copper marans young roosters i'm going to have a few. these are supposed to be show quality birds (not my thing but what i was able to get).


The chicken around the neck idea doesn't work well at all. The idea of keeping them on a leash all day working then that way we'll probably be your best bet. As well as electric fencing or the shock collar.


Well I don't like the shock collar idea at all! It can be a tool to training if understood and used correctly. I did a Google search and found this web site - Looks interesting.
Prey Drive Dog Training


these are hunting dogs and i don't really like shock collars either but the system i'm buying has a vibration and tone mode that i hope will actually be enough.  my neighbor has chickens and i don't need these dogs killing them.
i have a 5 foot chain link fence but the female digs out (one more reason for the collar).  i'm not a fan of penning dogs up like a lot of hunters do and only letting them out to hunt.  these dogs sleep inside and pretty much ride with me where ever i go.  i used to think shock collars were cruel but i'd rather give the dogs a couple of nicks than take away the freedom to roam now and then.  i'm on 44 acres way out in the country.
also, i like my chickens to be able to free range most of the day. 


Dominique or barred rock?

We just had two hens start setting this week. I put about six or eight eggs under each of them, if one of them is a barred rock rooster do you want it?

At one time Dominique was on the endangered species list, back in the 50's I think. Reminds me of what Rush Limbaugh said once; "The best way to get something off the endangered species list is to put it on the menu". Ain't it the truth.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.


I too used to think "shock" collars were cruel until we adopted a dog who ran every chance he got. At home I was able to work with him and the "wait" command, no shock collar. Now I can leave the gate open and he will not cross the line even when I go to the front yard. At the farm he would be gone in an instant leading the youngsters (young shepherd) with him down the highway. We'd have to go after them with the pickup. A little vibration and he's fine. It's similar to the invisible fence. You show him where the line is and they learn not to cross it. They also learn quickly that it's the collar. He knows when he's wearing it.


gary, i've got both.  i'm down to one dominique hen and a pair of barred rocks right now.  i think something other than my dog got my dominique rooster yesterday (possibly my neighbor even).  i appreciate the offer on the rooster but i'm loaded down.  i'll have some french black copper marans and black ameraucana roosters available in a few months if anyone is looking.  supposed to be show quality birds. 


The Aussie we adopted from the shelter in 2003 was there because he was a runner.  Off leash, he was gone, gone, gone.....

Got him a shock collar with tones.  Worked great!  Used it to teach him to "come" so we could let him off leash in our own yard.  Dogs are smart, they get it figured out pretty quick.

My only comment is to be careful what other electronics in your house make tones like that.  A side effect of our situation is we got a new wireless phone about a year after we stopped using the collar.  Took me a few calls to realize that the tones on the phone matched the collar, which explained why the dog was in my lap every time I used it.  Literally  You could hear him saying, "Mom, I can't 'come' any better than this!"


alicia, i bought this male about 6 months ago.  he had obviously been shocked a lot when i got him.
i put a gps collar on him and the hand held made a tone when he treed or was on point.  it took me a while to understand why he kept coming back to me looking scared every few minutes.
i muted it and put the collar on him one day and let him run while i worked the bees and he finally figured out i wasn't going to fry him.  after that we hunted with it and he did ok.
he was very poorly socialized and nearly starved when i got him.  one thing i don't like about most people that hunt with dogs is the fact that they leave them in a cage most of their lives and only let them out to hunt. 
my big dogs are outside dogs but these dogs are under 30 pounds and coyotes would surely get them eventually if they lived outside all the time.


i use the bark shock collars when i am away from home.  they work great and the dogs figure it out really quickly.  it think fast training that does't really hurt them is better than constant hollering at them or other things people do.

i have friends that train hunting dogs.  the use the shock/tone collars because the dogs only get shocked a couple of times and then the tone is enough.  i have been shocked on mine enough to know that you feel it, but it doesn't hurt. 
The people the people are the rightful masters of both congresses and courts not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it.

Abraham  Lincoln
Speech in Kansas, December 1859


Quote from: kathyp on July 08, 2014, 12:56:21 AM
i use the bark shock collars when i am away from home.  they work great and the dogs figure it out really quickly.  it think fast training that does't really hurt them is better than constant hollering at them or other things people do.

i have friends that train hunting dogs.  the use the shock/tone collars because the dogs only get shocked a couple of times and then the tone is enough.  i have been shocked on mine enough to know that you feel it, but it doesn't hurt. 

Doesn't hurt?
Bet you didn't put it around your neck.  :-X  :-D
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Savasci Farms

I your gonna farm, ya gotta get over it. Some need to understand that you do not put animals on the same level as humans. They are beast of burden and we as humans are given "dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth" from the Creator.
If it takes a shock collar to stop the killing, then so be it. I will be the "alpha".
We use shock collars on our dogs, goats, and even on a couple horses a time or two and we do not have to deal with the problems that some face because they place beast on the same level as humans and think that animals think, act and feel as humans do...grow up folks.


I take it you have never had a dog that understands your needs and shows almost all of their emotions on their face. My son has a service dog and they are awesome animals.
Considering that our genetics are more than 90% identical to many primates and almost all mammals look identical in are first phase of our lives. We are really not all that different. That being said, as in all of nature there is a hyarchy to life. Being a farmer, dealing with animals that are five times my weight or are faster or have deadly weapons, you must always be the alpha or they will hurt you.
I really do not think we are that not much different. The biggest difference is the way we communicate and manipulate our environment.
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Savasci Farms

Quote from: sawdstmakr on July 16, 2014, 12:08:58 AM
I take it you have never had a dog that understands your needs and shows almost all of their emotions on their face. My son has a service dog and they are awesome animals.
Considering that our genetics are more than 90% identical to many primates and almost all mammals look identical in are first phase of our lives. We are really not all that different. That being said, as in all of nature there is a hyarchy to life. Being a farmer, dealing with animals that are five times my weight or are faster or have deadly weapons, you must always be the alpha or they will hurt you.
I really do not think we are that not much different. The biggest difference is the way we communicate and manipulate our environment.

I was born and raised on a working farm, cattle, horses, hogs, row crops, hay cutting, etc. Worked with cattle many years away from our family farm, in the livestock auction area and then on a 18,000 acre cattle ranch where they ran  anywhere from 4,000 - 12,000 head of Brahma cattle at any given time. You want to learn to be alpha, learn it while facing huge 1,200 pound Brahman cows with calves or a 1,800 pound Brahman bulls.
I have owned many working cow dogs (mostly catahoulas, blue heelers), grand night champion coon dogs (treeing walkers), grand champion squirrel dogs (Barger Stock fiest) and even raised and trained retrievers (labs mostly) for awhile.
I just helped a friend of mine work 212 cow/calf pairs today and 137 head of calves yesterday. It's hard for most to understand the day to day workings of a real farm and to know how to handle animals in the sense that they were given to us by the Creator. Some live in a fairy tale world it seems.  :roll:

Oh...and I am not the same as a "primate" may be... but God did not make me that way, no mater what some crazy man in a white coat says.


bought the collars and haven't really used them.  also haven't lost a chicken since, go figure.
there have been a few studies lately showing that dogs understand human emotion and have similar emotions of their own.  you'd have to be blind not to see it, especially if you've had feist.  these are some of the most sensitive dogs i've ever had.
savasci, you might want to look up the definition of primate. 


When I watched the movie :shock: " Homeward bound" where the had 2dogs and a cat traveling across country to find their owner, I didn't think a dog could show that much emotion and act so loyal to its owner. Then we got Radar, a service dog, and that dog did what they showed in the movie and a lot more.

"savasci, you might want to look up the definition of primate. "    ;)
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Savasci Farms

You need to go and read the I said you may be like a monkey, but I am not.


He didn't give you much social skills either.
When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you - then you know your nation is doomed.