Advice Please!

Started by newbee101, March 12, 2006, 10:34:16 AM

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I overwintered 2 hives out of 5. These are Minnesota Hygenics. I did an inspection of the top deeps (lots of bees) and discovered about 50 lbs of honey and sugar syrup (capped) still left in each hive. I saw the Queen in one of those top deeps also. I have not seen any brood or eggs.
Should I remove this to make room for brood?
Should I reverse the deeps? There really is no room in those top deeps for brood rearing. I fed them well in the fall.
"To bee or not to bee"


I would say reverse the deeps. It only makes sense. Usually the brood chamber is on the botton, the honey super on the top.

Happy Beekeeping


Quote from: newbee101I did an inspection of the top deeps (lots of bees) and discovered about 50 lbs of honey and sugar syrup (capped) still left in each hive. .

It is alot. 50 lbs is equal full Langstroth box.

I looked your foeracast. You have water rains and snow rain. Spings is just coming. You have no hurry to so anything. Bees start to raise brood when they get pollen. Is it willow which starts first or...

When weather is good, take most capped frames away and store them.  If bees are possible to put into one box do it.  Rewersing is worst you can do now.

It takes over month untill new bees start to emerge and 1,5 monht untill you need consider new room for new bees. Wintered bees will die all when new ones begin to fly.  

Should I remove this to make room for brood?
Should I reverse the deeps? There really is no room in those top deeps for brood rearing. I fed them well in the fall.[/quote]


Yes Finsky, there is alot of honey there, maybe not quite 50 lbs. All capped, about 7 full frames in each top deep.These frames have no room for brood. I have not gone through the bottom deeps yet, but I suspect that they are empty.
"To bee or not to bee"


Quote from: newbee101Yes Finsky, there is alot of honey there. All capped, about 7 full frames in each top deep. I have not gone through the bottom deeps yet, but I suspect that they are empty. These frames are almost full, with no room for brood.

If lower deep is almost empty for bees take another box away.

Give to bees 4 frames full frames food. Give 2-3 emptry and half empty frames in the middle, then those full frames and against side walls empty combs.  Put that box topmost and let bees rise themselves from lower box to your ordinary box. If you see pollenframes, give them to bees.

Bees will consume half of those stores before summer.

You have no hurry to do something special. Your hives are OK. They beging to raise brood and first they make perhaps 4 brood frames. When new nurser bees emerge colony is ready to enlarge it's brood area.



Thanks for the replies. By the way Finsky, is that picture of you?
"To bee or not to bee"


Quote from: newbee101By the way Finsky, is that picture of you?

Yes it is about 30 years ago.