Overview - here we debate or dicuss the laws of our Repupublic.

Started by beemaster, December 27, 2014, 05:39:29 PM

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"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*

Ben Framed

Quote from: gww on December 10, 2020, 08:25:21 PM

Your video is a piece of crap.  What, somebody saying he heard about somebody who was talking big?  I could tell you I lost the biggest fish you ever saw.  Do you have to believe me when the fish got away and I can't show you?  My wife thought when she was young that you could get pregnant by eating watermelon seeds.  Thinking is not proof of any thing.  But you bet, I think fraud is wrong and stealing from me and others and people should be punished for stealing.  Lastly, I take my lumps when I lose even when I can't understand how people could vote that way.  This is not my first win or loss as I am not young.  The truth is that biden got more votes over all and more votes in the places that it counted for electoral votes to have won honestly.  No proof has been shown other wise and the trying to get legislators to make different decisions then the voters did is un-American.
Only one guy in the top spot showing a potential to cheat here and it is not biden.  He is in his rights to look but not with in his right to say something did happen but he can not prove it.  He is saying something that does not seem to be true which means he does not care about America like you insinuate he does. 

I do care about America.  I have exactly one vote and one voice to convince other voters and that is my due.  Just this time, more thought like I did then like trump voters did.  I can not believe he got as many votes as he did but don't discount that it did happen.  I don't understand why it happened but can recognize facts compared to beliefs.  Can you? 

Keep it in mind that I will live though whatever happens and always have whether winning or losing.  So I say what I believe with a smile and you can believe as you will.

What a pitiful answer in my opinion to the twice asked question in post 31 and again in post 35, the question being "what if the video is true"? Anyone knows a reporter worth his salt has tapes, copies of facebook statements photos etc to substitute their story. "Crap" you say; The crap is that of the left has demonstrated and put out for over four years. "Whistle blower" they said; HAH!  Continue believing whatever bull the left has been feeding you gww, as you have been believing. :shocked: lol  :tongue:

PS If I lived close to you, I would love to go fishing with you, I love to fish. But, just like a good reporter, I would be sure to bring a camera in order to take a picture of that big fish you claim to have hooked and got away. lol :cheesy:


All I can say is that it was a reporter that reported what trumps new lawyer had said that kamala was not born in the us.  However, the reporter did not have back up that you mention a good reporter has.  When your good reporter comes up with all that back up and it added up to enough to become fact, it may have made a difference.  Of course it is getting late in the game and he has not and so the video is apparently crap.  Why answer a hypothetical question based on crap.  Yes, I want the true thing to happen but do not feel compelled to spend much time on unproven conjecture.  Nobody should cheat no matter who it is.  My side or your side.
Here is a smiley face to keep it friendly. :grin:
When I fish, I don't let a camera get in the way and it all goes in the frying pan and when there it does not matter if it was big or little only that it gets on my plate.  Just like my deer hunting, I like the food better than the trophy.

Ben Framed

> Nobody should cheat no matter who it is.  My side or your side.
Here is a smiley face to keep it friendly. :grin:
When I fish, I don't let a camera get in the way and it all goes in the frying pan and when there it does not matter if it was big or little only that it gets on my plate.  Just like my deer hunting, I like the food better than the trophy.

On this we agree.  :grin:

Ben Framed

Quote from: Ben Framed on December 10, 2020, 11:50:25 PM
> Nobody should cheat no matter who it is.  My side or your side.
Here is a smiley face to keep it friendly. :grin:
When I fish, I don't let a camera get in the way and it all goes in the frying pan and when there it does not matter if it was big or little only that it gets on my plate.  Just like my deer hunting, I like the food better than the trophy.

On this we agree.  :grin:



I hope you are not giving to the defense fund so that trump can take 60 percent to play with.  Giving to the poor would be more righteous way to spend your money then on a fund raising scam like this.  Going no where.  Plenty of observers around for a lady to show copied ballots to at the time she seen them.  They are good with the bull though.   

Ben Framed

From my understanding; The lady in the video was a poll manager.  It was her responsibility at this particular polling site for safeguarding all election materials, having a chain of custody to report too, ensuring only qualified voters are permitted to vote and each qualified voter is permitted to vote only once.  These phony ballots she is describing were found while she and others were auditing  the ballots as she stated here in the video, Which apparently was ignored not only by you as you watched the video, but by those who (counted), in the  chain of custody; As she so stated and TESTIFIED.: 
Democratic friends of yours? That is why she testified of what she witnessed and found while she and others were auditioning the ballots.  And why you see her on NewsMax.  This is only a small example of massive cheating as reported and acknowledged by officially sworn affidavits by thousands, especially in states where Texas has filled suit. 


Phil, when Trump was elected you had all the faith in our country, its constitution, its institutions, our rule of law and our democracy.  What changed?
Brian Cardinal
Just do it


I'm not Phil, but I had faith before the dems declared all out war on our president and our way of life. I see them making the US go the way of Venezuela. I do not have faith in the lying hypocrites that want to bankrupt the country and pay everyone to quit working and live on assets until they all dry up.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*

Michael Bush

So far no court has looked at the evidence of fraud.  They have not ruled on it either. They have either sent it back down or sent it on up because of whatever reason they came up with which have been, so far:  It was filed too early.  It was filed too late.  It was not filed by the correct plaintiff.  It is not the jurisdiction of that court.  Etc.  The suit that is before the Supreme Court is STILL not even asking for them to rule on fraud, but rather on the Constitutionality of elections in the four states who are the defendants, method of carrying out their election.  The US constitution says in Section I Clause 2: "Clause 2. Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."  Texas is saying that the defendants did NOT follow the manner directed by the Legislature.  They violated their own election laws and in doing so left the election vulnerable to fraud and this disenfranchised the people of the state of Texas as well as the rest of the country.  If the Supreme Court of the United States were to find the electors ineligible because of this the state legislatures would be required to choose the electors or not send any electors.  This is the law.  If not enough electors show up, I'm not sure how that will go.  To win you have to have a majority of electors, but how are the electors who are not there counted?  Are they part of the math to decide a majority or not?  It's not clear that I can see.  So if that happens again the Supreme Court may have to intervene.  If it is decided that no one has the majority it goes to the House of Representatives where each state delegation gets one vote.  They can elect any of the top three candidates that the Electoral college voted for.  Of course, if the Supreme Court doesn't rule or they rule against Texas and the other 18 states then the electors from the defendant states will remain and the Electoral College will elect the president when they vote as long as one of them gets a majority.

Keep in mind that the election for President has not taken place yet.  It is the Electoral College who elect the President.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


The reason the court has not looked at fraud is cause every time one of trumps lawyers is ask if he is claiming fraud in what is before the court, the lawyer has said no.  Is it any wonder no court has looked at it?

Michael Bush

It would help to gather evidence of fraud if they would actually do an audit instead of a recount.  But it is EASY to prove that the states did not follow their own law.  The written proceedures used by the Secretaries of State and the Election boards violated the law in many cases.  So far this is the point and so far no court has decided that either.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Well, I guess a stoke has been struck for states rights.  Texas is now done.  Maybe if trump could raise just a little more money from those he is trying to dupe they could go for 50 cases lost.

Ben Framed

Quote from: iddee on December 11, 2020, 10:36:21 AM
I'm not Phil, but I had faith before the dems declared all out war on our president and our way of life. I see them making the US go the way of Venezuela. I do not have faith in the lying hypocrites that want to bankrupt the country and pay everyone to quit working and live on assets until they all dry up.

Iddee you may be right. That's how it happens. Check out this video featuring Luis Zuniga, a recipient of socialism, as he explained what America should have learned from Cuba's fall into socialism.



So worried about the buzz word socialism?  Should I counter and dig up a bunch of videos on the risk of those who would over turn the will of the voting populous like all the "buzz word" facist dictators and what damage happened to many of those country's people?  Propaganda is easy to come by.  The other thing is that most fabrications have just enough truth to make you wonder.  Personally I am about to start collecting social security and I don't mind at this point in my life if that sorta sticks around for a while now that I have made it here.  What should I fear most?  Having this socialist program or not having it?

Ben Framed

Since you have surfaced here in the last few weeks while reading your post, I anticipated no less of a response from you. This man is a living witness to the dangers of socialism. Warning you, I, and all Americans of the dangers of socialism as he lived through its ugliness, (putting it lightly), there in his Cuba. Telling YOU of its uprising in his words of the downfall of his very own country. Explaining how, when, where, and what of his country before and after socialism, yet you answer with mockery. I'm not surprised. Sad


It is not mockery to point out different fears that touch on what is going on in our own county and not letting that guys experience dissuade or deflect from that.  You like to mention my recent arrival here but I was here before you ever joined.  There are first hand experiences from facist successful movements also. Your cuba has a dictator.  Giving money to soy bean farmers  or oil producers is just as socialist as is welfare.  I got in one discussion here were it was socialism to unionize or build roads.  Socialism is just a buzz word and I personally like to think more along the lines that I agree with this and I don't agree with that and reasons why that is good and that is bad.  I did not watch your video cause I already know that I don't intend on moving to cuba.  You post a lot of stuff to promote your over all direction of thinking as a tool to promote the political side you are promoting or scared of.  I just point out that you may not be putting up the best defense of stopping those fears from happening here.  I would think that at the point somebody might win regardless of the vote of the people would be the point where there would be no defense from those types of things happening.  Since trump was the discussion, his trying to over throw the vote of the people, if successful, would put you and I at more risk of bad things happening then what our history is now of voting one way and then voting again the next time to make adjustment.
The only mockery I see, if we are still on the subject we were on, is the mockery you are having of our historical practice that it is the voters who decide who will lead.  Trump lost and unless credible facts changes that, it is anti American to want a different out come until the chance to vote again happens.  It is not wrong to take any position and push you elected rep to act on between now and then but is wrong to cheat.
Cheating or promoting cheating could be considered treason to the constitution.  You just keep fighting the good fight and on some of those fights, I might surprise you where I stand.  I don't stand on, what this thread had been about, that using the fear of the buzz word "socialism" as being a good excuse to cheat on what the people voted for.

I will tell you another thing about my neck of the woods and what I see.  I live in a very rural place and a republican state.  Votes here go 80 republican to 20 democrate.  Yet when minimum wage was on the ballot, it passed two to one and when right to work was on the ballot it failed two to one.  This reversed the position the elected reps were taking.  Most people vote for the best they can with out having to agree with everything that who they voted for stands for.  I retain my right to bleep by participating.  Win some and lose some and some times lose for a time and then win.  Voting is what allows this eb and flow as long as voting means something.

Ben Framed

I won't even try to respond to all the bunkum in that post.  Call it what you will, socialism, communism, or some other "buzz word" you may chose. You on the left, just may be on the road of being successful at forfeiting our freedoms and rights to the lefts agenda; If the on again, off again promises and suggestions made by many of the left come to pass, don't cry about it. You may very well find yourself enjoying you deer hunting with a bb gun. You are not alone, half the country is right there with you. (Oh I did not know they was going to all those things). You on the left were warned of the dangers of the speech of the left, and the direction they wish to take our country, unlike the Democrats of old. Yet a continuance following of the leftist agenda in solidarity, appearing befuddled to the point of intoxication by the hate preached night and day by your leaders, attacking the President from every angle. As Iddee said "you on the left declared war on our President."  I suppose the conversation at this point may be mute.
A heads up in case you have not heard by way of your propaganda news stations.
Youtube has boldly announced they will take down all videos which may inquire or point out fraud of this election from News Networks which post on their platform. History teaches us Freedom of speech and freedom and expression, along with freedom of the press are always first to go in a free country that has went to, or sliding into a socialist, or as you say a "buzz word" leaning agenda, seeking a radical change toward a "buzz word" form of Government. Once these freedoms are lost, the rest is easy. Apparently they are wasting no time just go back to reply 44.



For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.

I can find as many reasons to dislike both sides.  As stated earlier, I don't like the complete platform or action of any party.  But big picture, if I were to worry, I could worry about warrantless searches or imminent domain or the drug war.  I remember when bush senior was the one to sign and anti gun law.  I remember the assault ban.  Though it all, I have used my remington 742 simi-auto.  Through it all abortion is still legal. 
The reason the news is all saying the same thing is cause it is probably all owned by just a few people.  Long gone are the days where teddy Roosevelts anti trust laws have any meaning.  There are quite a few problems that neither side does very well on.  This benefits me as far a guns go though I no longer buy new ones due to the hassle that was not fixed by the republican either.  Can things get worse, yep.  Do the people recoil and use thier  vote to try for adjustment, yep.  Does it work, sometimes but not often.  If the vote is cheated on, is there even any hope on either side for adjustment, Nope.

I don't know how I feel about You tubes position.  Personally, I am not scared to see all the bull that can be posted.  I could see how carrying on about something like the berther thing that was bunk and carried on against obama could be wrong to let go on like it was and all the fakers that pretend to be talking fact while using lies but then would worry about the people doing the picking of having an agenda.  I am comfortable in my bull crap meter and don't mind wading through it but can see how susceptible some are also.
You tube is going to do what it does and I will chose whether to keep using it or not.  I never did get on face book yet and so know I can live with out it if I need to though I do find it useful for fixing my car at times.

I put your byline up top cause you think I type bunkum and I thought you needed a talking to.

Ben Framed

You and I may not be so far apart. There are things I do not like about either side either. I do not like the idea of a vaccine that breaks new ground with a short time of testing, Trump is pushing this hard. I do not like it gww. For several elections, I was disappointed in choices of either party.  In 2000 when going to the voting booth with the choice of either Bush Jr. or Al Gore Jr, even though Al Sr was an acquaintance of my grandaddy back in the day, I felt belittled by either of these, in my opinion poor choices. Again in 2004 with either GW Bush or John Kerry, Barf....  2008 it was McCain or Obama again, "is this the best each has to offer? Pitiful....  2012  Obama vs Romney, "goodness the bottom of the barrel for either side" was my opinion. Finally 2016 Clinton vs Trump. Though not a politician, Trump was an independent thinker. But with him, is that good or bad was my thoughts. What kind of crazy off the wall thing might he do, was also my thoughts.  Honestly gww, I did not like him or his arragiont ways. After a short time watching one of his shows, I refused to watch any more of his show (the apprentice) and thought, "if he talked to me the way he does his workers I would bust him with a hard right". Thats putting it nicely.lol  In those days of the apprentice, even the left loved him, I did not like him at all. In this same 2016 I actually liked the Constitutionalist Ted Cruz though in my opinion he did not qualify as he was born in Canada. A stipulation that I saw as disqualifying as I understood the meaning of The Constitution. So who was left? Donald Trump or Hillary. I was apprehensive. I listened to the blow hards words closely. As well as those of Hillary. Answer, a no brainer. If the outsider would keep his word, uphold the Constitution, he may be the guy after all. After all, he knew how to get things done as I found by researching his accomplishments as well as the reasons he gave for running. Is he for real, or a builder? a con man?  A casino man? A showman... I was thinking, we will see. What I saw in Hillary was even worse. Larry Nichols said the first time he met her she had a medallion on her neck which read proud member of the "(American Buzz word party)". True or false I do not know.
To my pleasant surprise, Mr Trump has pretty much kept his promises even with all the negativity of the left and right, in spite of all the attacks, all the hate they could throw his way relentlessly. Some of his own people of his party included, both sides which should have been in Washington representing you and I instead, looking out for our interest. We the People on both sides. Foreign relations? Actually he just closed a huge peace deal just a few days ago. Have you heard this on the news? Doesn't this make the 4th one?

Absolutely no cheating, with you I agree gww. With the evidence which has been uncovered by the small team of investigators, along with over two thousand SWORN affidavits of voter fraud, adding video tapes of pulling hidden false ballots while excluding good ballots already out, ready to be counted, recorded on video, as reported by OAN and
re-innervated by Mr Trump at a rally in Georgia shown on the big screen for all to see just a week or so ago!  PLUS the revelation of voting machines and their nefarious capabilities. I am very unhappy as are half the nation's citizens and I really believe most of the other half would be unhappy as well if the evidence was to come to light and clearly shown. As I said before, If Biden had won fair and square then so be it. But if by cheating, cheating us, you and me to win, via means of his subbornants and Trump's enemies and maybe even others from other avenues is beyond reproach. Just as if Trump was trying to cheat himself back in would be beyond reproach as well. Trump still may have avenues afforded by the constitution but is looks dim to me at this time.  As you said cheating an election, and again, I agree with you, is treason. The problem or division that you and I have, is WHO is cheating. I do not like cheating even in a high school ball game by a bios referee no matter which side I am rooting for. As you and I know an election is not game. I certainly can not abide the cheating of our country by selfish power hungries no matter their politics. I have spent many hours reading studying, watching news clips of right and left, private and public avenues and on and on it goes seeking the truth of this matter. Doesn't look good gww. May God have mercy of us as a country and us in our country.
