
Started by MicahNH, May 07, 2006, 03:38:27 AM

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I'm thinking bout buying me a Beemax starter kit along with another beemax hive from Dadant. Has anybody in here had experiance with BeeMax hives and is there any other websites who sell Beemax kits also?
Micah N Harris


I have one right now. I like it. It's light, easy to put together, The foam is very dense. It's not like a sytrofoam cooler.

Alot of people in Europe use something similar.

You can also buy them from betterbee :

They are probably about the same price, but shipping might make the difference for you on who you choose.


I just got started myself.  I chose this hive with the plastic frames:

I believe the one from Dadant is just a single brood chamber with no supers, so this may be a better deal in the long run.  Betterbee also sells 'hive increase kits' and individual deeps and supers as well.

So far I really like it, although I have only had my bees a little over a week.  I have read that some bees may be a little slow to go for the plastic frames, but I don't have enough experience to say for sure.  In my casy, bees from a 4 frame nuc (that was completely filled before being placed in the hive) had built up some comb on the 2 adjacent frames during the first week.