Split time

Started by jtcmedic, April 05, 2018, 08:52:13 PM

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Well it?s that time, I did my splits and have 5 splits made. Did a walk away with a queen I really like. Then went  2 weeks later and did 4 more with cells with Sebashtion H. queens from central Florida and all hatched 5 for 5 (one cell went to a cut out) and now I have to wait till the 19th to see if they mate. Fingers crossed it will be my biggest splitting  for my short 3 years,and adding 6 more hives (counting cut out) to my apiary. Plus gave me a reason to make some new Coates nucs.


Have you anticipated failures of queen matings with purchased queens as a fix?
Brian Cardinal
Just do it


Will pull a frame from my  donor  hive and let them make another.


Follow up on the 6 splits , 4 have a mated laying queen. Put brood  frame in one ,and had to pinch a injured queen and added a page of brood to it so i am pleased with it.


I was glad to see your follow up.
I had about the same results ratio wise.
Was wondering if others had see the same.
Good job.