I just started

Started by MarkW, May 24, 2006, 10:01:37 AM

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:D I just started with the hobby I have 2 colonels from 3# packages third week. Did the 3rd inspection on both yesterday. Saw both queens (for the 1st time), things looked good about 5 or 6 frames with comb drawn out lots of capped brood some honey and different colored pollen. Still feeding but the bee’s however they are not taking as much. Next inspection I may try and add one more deep on both and open up the entryway some. Does all this sound ok? I do not have anyone else to bounce ideas off of.


Chad S

I like to let them get all ten frames built out, and populated before I add another box.  If the weather is good no reason not to open up the entrance.



I'm getting back into this too. The general comments I've seen are to get to 9 frames before adding.


Brian D. Bray

If you wait until 10 frames are filled you've waited too long.  Super at 80-90% capacity to keep them from going into a swarming mode.  Bees with nowhere to put stores often its time for half of them to split (swarm).
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Quote from: MarkW: Still feeding but the bee’s however they are not taking as much.

Stop feeding and wait that hives get new bees. After that hive is ready to occupy more room.  Feeding takes room from brood area. Bees draw up foundations as much as they need.  By feeding they swarm easily.


Thanks For all of the info!!!   :D