Any deer hunters?

Started by Fishing-Nut, September 24, 2019, 10:46:32 AM

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I put a doe in the freezer last night with my bow....I passed on a decent 8 pointer because my wife has decided she wants to get her first deer this year and said that it has to be a buck. We've got some pretty good ones coming In on a regular basis so I hope that we can make that happen for her. I tell ya what though It was hard to pass up that buck at about 15 yards and take a shot on a doe that was staring right at me at about 35 yards.... it all came together though. 
Take a kid fishing !

Michael Bush

I haven't had a permit in a few years now.  Just too busy and not enough time off available from work for my bee camp, speaking and deer hunting...  We will see how it goes.  I was hoping maybe to do a little hunting this year.  I have a rifle I just had built on a Ruger #1 action that I'd like to try.
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Archery opens 10/1.  Haven't checked my stands yet but my tower blind is full of wasps.
I prefer cooler weather to hunt. 
We have an overabundance of deer here.  Lots of does.
I use a lever action in my neck of the woods. 


Will be going during muzzleloader here it is too hot now, hope to get one this year


Congrats on the Doe! - hopefully the Wife gets her buck. (You can't eat horns anyways  :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:)

I fulfilled a lifetime quest this year - taking specific buck of my choosing on opening day of archery season. I've watched this Columbian Blacktail since he was born, 7 yrs ago. I got in the blind at 4 am - he finally came in 20 mins before the end of the day.


He's old, going downhill, and had double split browtines - 1st time I've seen a Columbian with split brows. I watched him growing all spring and summer. There were 7 other bucks in range when he finally appeared. He was at 11 yds before he finally offered a shot.

His dad went #19 archery SCI - also me - several yrs ago - and is mounted in my living room. I won't mount this guy. He never reached his dad's size - and I've got bigger ones walking around that I want breeding. It was a neat experience.

I'm heading for Archery Elk (cow tag) shortly.
You cannot permanently help men by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves - Abraham Lincoln


Quote from: Michael Bush on September 24, 2019, 11:51:31 AM
....  I have a rifle I just had built on a Ruger #1 action that I'd like to try.

That Ruger #1 is such a great platform. I've always wanted to build one up. I use the T/C Contender a lot instead.
You cannot permanently help men by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves - Abraham Lincoln


At 74, I quit hunting a few years back. My friends I grew up with, their kids, grand kids, and now great grand kids are hunting. They all know I am set up with power winches for hanging and skinning, and all the butchering and packing equip., and give venison to several needy people, so they bring me 20 to 25 yearly to dress, pack, and hand out. I keep what I want and give the rest away. I always hunted for food, never for trophies. I don't own a mount of any kind.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me . . . Anything can happen, child. Anything can be"

*Shel Silverstein*


October 1 starts the season for me.

It is the right of every hunter to do whatever is they enjoy as long as it is legal, but I don't get the buck fever thing.

I bow hunt to control population which means taking doe and antlerless deer. The landowner (the town in this case) has an earn a buck program - you have to take doe when hunting their properties before you can take a buck. The problem is so bad where I am that I can get unlimited doe tags through the end of January. I can also participate in a nuisance program through March.

ETA - anyone can hit a big deer, it takes real skill to get the little ones.    :cheesy:


Nice old buck Coolbees.
I grew up in NE Pennsylvania. They have large herds of deer up there. It is common to see 20 deer in one herd.
Here in Florida, I rarely see more than 3 at a time. I planted a 2 acre field with clay peas just so that we could see deer from the house during the day. Never saw any and the plants were full of green peas so I put my cows on them to bulk them up for winter. In about 4 days they ate most of the pea plants. Yesterday my wife, excitedly call me to our bedroom and shows me a doe and 2 yearlings in the back of the field behind the cows.
Go figure.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin

Michael Bush

>... shows me a doe and 2 yearlings in the back of the field behind the cows.

They wanted a crowd to hide in...

>That Ruger #1 is such a great platform. I've always wanted to build one up. I use the T/C Contender a lot instead.

Yes.  A beautiful gun.  So is the Thompson Contender.
My website: en espanol:  auf deutsche:  em portugues:
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"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin


Hoping to get out this year.  We have just about finished all of the canned meat from last year.  Still have some canned ground meat left. I don't start taking doe until the weather breaks, until then I'm hoping Mr big steps out.   I will only shoot a buck that is bigger thany last buck so I can go years in between bucks.  I do taxidermy so I have my share of mounts.


Incognito - I wish they'd let us take Doe's here. This states Wildlife Management laws are 40 years out of date. No one dares open the debate to fix them, because the result would be shutting down all hunting instantly - Democrats control every level of this state, and actual Science gets Trumped by their "agenda" every time.

Jim: that's neat that you were able to finally draw in some deer. When we moved to our current place, I saw maybe 5 deer in the 1st 10 years. I planted a small patch of alfalfa and another of clover - didn't work. Over time a herd began to grow - with my protection. What they liked to eat, as it turned out, was the leaves on my fruit trees. Once I had a herd, I culled out sub-genetic bucks for several years. Now I've got several "top 25 SCI" bucks walking around - and no rag-bucks. As I left home this morning, I had a giant buck and several younger ones and some doe's that wouldn't get off the driveway and let me out - for a few minutes.

My thoughts - fwiw - keep planting the Peas. It takes a few years for them to figure it out and move in.

You cannot permanently help men by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves - Abraham Lincoln


Right now I?m trying to find out what will make a good winter crop.
I have a week or two before I can start planting. Temperatures are still in the high nineties.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


From what you wrote, it sounds like Wildlife Management may have gotten it right - protect the does until the population rises. Population control is about does, not bucks. Take bucks only until the population rises.
In certain parts of New York State bucks have to have a minimum antler size to be legally taken.

We have the opposite situation, too many does, too many deer reproducing.

Anyone who wants to learn more about deer population management should read the following:


This was my best Florida deer 2017 can still remember the shot a great harvest[attachment=0][/attachment]


Jtmedic that's a good Florida deer for sure! Are you a medic? Is that where your screen name comes from? My wife is in ems to.  Coolbees those are some good ones as well. I'll try to post up some trail cam pics of the ones my wife has been after. 
Take a kid fishing !


Quote from: Fishing-Nut on September 27, 2019, 09:52:42 AM
Jtmedic that's a good Florida deer for sure! Are you a medic? Is that where your screen name comes from? My wife is in ems to.  Coolbees those are some good ones as well. I'll try to post up some trail cam pics of the ones my wife has been after.
Yep firefighter medic  he made great sausage and loins  pulling cameras after I pick my boy up at the bus stop[attachment=0][/attachment]


So I spent the pre full moon and post full moon in the stand with a bunch of small bucks going wacky.  Was hoping for more during archery.  Gun starts soon.  Those photos of bucks you showed are nice.  Show your best this month.


Just got the duel call and spent the afternoon reading up on it, got to the stand a little late and haven?t seen a buck not on camera. Grunted and let out a doe belt and this guy let out a massive grunt, I responded with a couple tending grunts and he ran towards the direction, was able to take a rear quartering shot and got the lung and down he went. My brother in-law came out to help with his Prius we loaded it up


That is a nice buck JT. Congratulations.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin