Varroa and Mask mandates

Started by Duane, July 19, 2020, 09:11:18 PM

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Just thinking about cognitive dissonance.

Think there's some comparison of how people blame others for their mite problems with how people blame others for their corona virus risk?


No the open bars and beaches proves your analogy wrong.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it


Comment withdrawn by poster.


Quote from: FloridaGardener on July 20, 2020, 12:14:31 PM
Re: mites.  I'd like to find out if anyone has done studies on seasonal migration of varroa mite clouds. 
That is a good question.  I hear often from beekeepers which treat, about mite bombs.  But has anyone actually done a direct experimental study?  If mites don't have wings, how do they migrate en-mass?

Likewise, has anyone done a direct experimental study on whether masks protect you or others from corona virus?  I've seen several about how "particles" are transferred, but any direct research?  There should be.  It should be easy enough.  It should be widely publicized.  But nothing.  Other than some people blaming others for not wearing masks.

Beaches and bars opening up followed by increased corona cases is certainly interesting, but scientifically means nothing.  Other than an opportunity to do an experiment on the idea.

Many people treat for mites.  One neighbor doesn't.  Many people lose their hives to mites.
Many people wear masks.  One neighbor doesn't.  Many people get sick.
It could be the cause in each case.  But science requires an experiment.

The mites in your county were intense, then disappeared.  Did powdered sugar kill all the mites?  Or is it migration?  Or is it that the bees saw a problem and took care of it themselves?  We could speculate on any number of ideas, but without a scientific experiment, it's just speculation.  Like masks.

I've heard the media say masks "reduce" the "particles" (but not specifically corona or other viruses) expelled. 
Question:  How many virus particles does it take to make one sick?  If 10% of virus particles are still escaping out of your mask, does that mean someone else who is susceptible only has only a 10% chance of getting sick or is it closer to 100%?  Or are increased cases some other thing happening that has nothing to do with masks?  Without a scientific experiment, it's just speculation. 

Ben Framed

According to Dr Paul, mask restrict the flow of oxygen, forcing the intake of a higher amount of Co2. Thus aiding the breakdown of the immunity system. Therefore counterproductive making one, more susceptible to contracting the virus. Also he quoted one expert as plain cotton mask trying to stop the virus was likened to a chain link fence from stopping misquotes from passing through. If these are true the mask accomplish what?



Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
If these are true the mask accomplish what?
Saving lives.  First step in saving the economy.  Still beating a dead hoarse Ben trying to disprove what is already been proven?  The experiment is over, ignorance lost.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it

Ben Framed

Quote from: Acebird on July 21, 2020, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
If these are true the mask accomplish what?
Saving lives.  First step in saving the economy.  Still beating a dead hoarse Ben trying to disprove what is already been proven?  The experiment is over, ignorance lost.

Add this to my quote that you Omitted.

Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
According to Dr Paul, mask restrict the flow of oxygen, forcing the intake of a higher amount of Co2. Thus aiding the breakdown of the immunity system. Therefore counterproductive making one, more susceptible to contracting the virus. Also he quoted one expert as plain cotton mask trying to stop the virus was likened to a chain link fence from stopping misquotes from passing through. If these are true the mask accomplish what?



Quote from: Acebird on July 21, 2020, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
If these are true the mask accomplish what?
Saving lives.  First step in saving the economy.  Still beating a dead hoarse Ben trying to disprove what is already been proven?  The experiment is over, ignorance lost.
I'm sorry, I must have missed the conversation.  Could you show again where it has been proven?

Ben Framed

Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 10:02:24 AM
Quote from: Acebird on July 21, 2020, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
If these are true the mask accomplish what?
Saving lives.  First step in saving the economy.  Still beating a dead hoarse Ben trying to disprove what is already been proven?  The experiment is over, ignorance lost.

Add this to your quote that you Omitted.

Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
According to Dr Paul, mask restrict the flow of oxygen, forcing the intake of a higher amount of Co2. Thus aiding the breakdown of the immunity system. Therefore counterproductive making one, more susceptible to contracting the virus. Also he quoted one expert as plain cotton mask trying to stop the virus was likened to a chain link fence from stopping misquotes from passing through. If these are true the mask accomplish what?

Let me add Ace, if wearing a mask gives you confidence in leaving the confines of your home then by all means wear it. I am not trying to convince you otherwise. I am not asking you to go mask-less or attempting to force you to do so. That is your right as a free born American Citizen. You have that right to make your own decisions according to our constitution. I did answer Duane question according to Doctor Paul. Furthermore, do not be left ignorant of the facts. The fact is THIS VIRUS can enter the body not only though the soft tissue of the mouth and nose, but the EYE 👁 and EAR 👂🏻 as well. I would suggest that you wear goggles along with considering ear plugs, but I will not try and force you to do so. That is a decision that you must make for yourself.



Quote from: Duane on July 20, 2020, 08:45:30 PM
That is a good question.  I hear often from beekeepers which treat, about mite bombs.  But has anyone actually done a direct experimental study?  If mites don't have wings, how do they migrate en-mass?
Mites don't move from hive to hive on their own, but are spread by bees entering infested colonies.  For example, robber bees that rob out a hive dying from a varroa infestation will carry mites back to their home colony.   
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Ben Framed

Quote from: The15thMember on July 21, 2020, 01:39:24 PM
Quote from: Duane on July 20, 2020, 08:45:30 PM
That is a good question.  I hear often from beekeepers which treat, about mite bombs.  But has anyone actually done a direct experimental study?  If mites don't have wings, how do they migrate en-mass?
Mites don't move from hive to hive on their own, but are spread by bees entering infested colonies.  For example, robber bees that rob out a hive dying from a varroa infestation will carry mites back to their home colony.   

This is my understanding also Member, as what is known as a Mite Bomb. A freshly absconded hive or nearly dead out hive infested with mites leaving behind everything in the hive except the mites they take with them. Robber bees transport the hitchhiking virus infested mites from this left behind mite bomb, back to their home hives keeping the vicious cycle moving.



Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
According to Dr Paul, mask restrict the flow of oxygen, forcing the intake of a higher amount of Co2. Thus aiding the breakdown of the immunity system.                                                                                                                                                                                 .

For Gods sake Ben if this were true every painter, fireman, contractor, medical professional that ever wore a mask would be dead.  If you were to do CPR on someone that isn't breathing you might save their life and 100% of your breath goes into the victims lungs.  Your exhale still has oxygen in it and a higher level of CO2 then raw air.  It is not like you are putting a plastic bag over your head.
There is no need to discuss this anymore.  It is not about bees its about Trump nonsense.
Brian Cardinal
Just do it

Ben Framed

Quote from: Acebird on July 21, 2020, 06:47:24 PM
Quote from: Ben Framed on July 21, 2020, 04:13:10 AM
According to Dr Paul, mask restrict the flow of oxygen, forcing the intake of a higher amount of Co2. Thus aiding the breakdown of the immunity system.                                                                                                                                                                                 .

For Gods sake Ben if this were true every painter, fireman, contractor, medical professional that ever wore a mask would be dead.  If you were to do CPR on someone that isn't breathing you might save their life and 100% of your breath goes into the victims lungs.  Your exhale still has oxygen in it and a higher level of CO2 then raw air.  It is not like you are putting a plastic bag over your head.
There is no need to discuss this anymore.  It is not about bees its about Trump nonsense.

Ace allow let me clarify, contractors, painters, and the common cloth mask we see at the grocery store do not protect you from viruses as Dr Paul clairfired by explaining this type mask stopping the virus is like a chain link fence trying to stop a mosquito from passing through. These dust mask and painter repressors, and cloth type mask can be worn continuously. They allow you to breathe freely yes, also trapping some viruses inside the fabric which when freed can spread the virus to other areas. Perhaps when you may cough?

The mask that do help are surgical mask, the type as worn by medical professionals during surgery. The type Dr Paul wore during the Vietnam war as a surgeon, the type he wore his entire medical career when performing deliveries. The type that really do help keep virus out and in. This is the type he was referring too, that can cause problems, health problems when worn to long, the type that do keep you safe as far as the mouth and nose is concerned. Yet still leaving the eyes and ears vauranable.

The type that are commonly seen at grocery stores are generally not this medical grade type. Most I have seen are homemade. Made of cotton, or general use dust mask. I assumed you knew what I was talking about without me having to explain it in such detail. Politics was not mentioned until you brought it up accusing this being "about Trump" and not bees.  As I recall you were the first one here to respond to the original post and your post was not of bees but of mask. And if you will also recall my last post up until now was about bees and not mask. Actually looking back I have yet to see where you have posted anything here on this topic about bees. lol Therefore I agree with you if politics are your wish to discuss this is not the place. But the coffee house.It is true we are on the disease and pest control heading, though I believe bee diseases are what was intended, not human. There are no hard feeling on my part and I hope you can say the same? 


I believe the idea is that even a cloth mask can help reduce the spread by stopping moisture particles from spewing forth. So the virus is at least slightly contained. My mindset is that even if it is not provable to help, it is still better to do it because the pros outweigh the cons. Wearing a mask should not lower oxygen too much, and, if that is a concern for you, there are masks that allow free breathing in.

Ben Framed

Leo, I will refer you to my post number 12 and again reiterate and ask that we discuss mask in the coffeehouse, and explained the reasoning for doing so in post 12.