Is it Time Already?

Started by Beeboy01, January 12, 2021, 10:02:10 PM

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Been keeping an eye on my hives by watching the incoming workers and over the last two weeks between the cool spells the girls have started to haul in pollen. Looking around I've spotted the maples budding out with some already starting to bloom. Yikes this is turning out to be an early start for the season. What's everybody's take on this year, is it time already for this season to start here in Florida? Checking my records I'm almost two weeks ahead of last year's maple bloom which caught me off guard.

Spent an afternoon in the shop over the weekend cleaning up and installing plastic foundation in four deeps of used frames. Planning to slowly move over to plastic foundation over the next two years. It was interesting to see the different ways I tried to assemble and nail the frames. Some were glued with Gorilla Glue and tacked with brads (didn't work) others nailed with different types of nails or stapled and glued, most needed to be re-nailed. Scraping and rebuilding old frames isn't one of those jobs I look forward to but it needs to get done. Still have to finish getting gear together for the new year but got a head start on it at least.

Ben Framed

Beeboy two weeks earlier for the maple bud is an eye opener. I can understand your surprise. I am not in Florida. 33 here at the present. So far I am not seeing a real difference in my area compared to last season. It will be interesting to see how the weather and nature reveals itself as time rolls along. With your heads up I will be looking for similar earlier signs.



I?m seeing the same thing.  Bees bringing in maple pollen and ignoring sugar water.
Brood is building up.
Remember, December 22, winter solstice is the start of brood build up here in Florida.
Jim Altmiller
Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.
Ben Franklin


I'v seen red maple  bloom in late Dec. here in central Fl before
Fools argue; wise men discuss.
    --Paramahansa Yogananda


Mine were bringing in pollen in central Florida. My supers got som wax moths this year so I did a lot of scrapping. Even froze them before storing them this year , what a mess

van from Arkansas

You Florida beeks are killing me with envy.  It?s like 25F in the morning with frost every day here in N Arkansas and you fellas, ya you Florida Beeks  are talking about bees bringing in pollen.  Don?t try to deny it, I read your post.  Practically had tears of joy running down my checks until I look out my window and see frozen brown grass with barren trees everywhere.

So do an old fella, Me, a favor and post some pics of bees with pollen or pics of flowers.  Any type of flower will enlighten me, put a smile on my face, until March when I see the real mc coy with my own eyes.

Thank you,

I have been around bees a long time, since birth.  I am a hobbyist so my answers often reflect this fact.  I concentrate on genetics, raise my own queens by wet graft, nicot, with natural or II breeding.  I do not sell queens, I will give queens  for free but no shipping.

Ben Framed

Quote from: jtcmedic on January 13, 2021, 07:09:16 PM
Mine were bringing in pollen in central Florida. My supers got som wax moths this year so I did a lot of scrapping. Even froze them before storing them this year , what a mess

What a mess is right! I had my first substantial encounter with wax moths past season.  Had one stack of 4 clean supers filled with frames of good comb, which I was saving for the second flow. When I got ready to use these the top was stuck. Yes wax moths and a real mess. Even though I thought the frames were well sealed inside. Lesson learned....


Starting to pickup here in Hawaii too.  No flow yet, but pollen coming in in some hives.  I've already been called out to remove two swarms since the New Year.


We used to get two or three weeks of frosty and freezing weather which was great setting the blooms on a pear tree I have. The harvest has gone from three or four bucket of pears to just three or four pears each year. Seems like for this year I'm looking at a short cold period with a longer and cooler spring.

The only sure way I have found to keep wax moths out of stored supers is to use paramoth crystals every month or so and air them out before putting them on my hives. The boxes I had to clean up were from lost hives that got taken over by wax moths trashing the comb which isn't a fun job.

I'll try to get some pictures of the pollen coming in posted just to help all you northern beeks get through the winter.   

van from Arkansas

Quote from: JurassicApiary on January 14, 2021, 11:33:38 AM
Starting to pickup here in Hawaii too.  No flow yet, but pollen coming in in some hives.  I've already been called out to remove two swarms since the New Year.

Two swarms already?!?!  Good for you, I wanna work with my bees too, but I have to just sit and wait for warm winds:  March or April for me.  Until warmer weather? I?ll just keep reading about you beeks in warmer climates with my envy.  Every year, about this time, reading post on BeeMaster, I experience Apis Empathic Syndrome or AES, I call it.  Don?t worry, I?ll be fine in Spring.  Keep posting: swarms, pollen, flowers, I adore the post.  Yes, BEEBOY, post pics please.

I have been around bees a long time, since birth.  I am a hobbyist so my answers often reflect this fact.  I concentrate on genetics, raise my own queens by wet graft, nicot, with natural or II breeding.  I do not sell queens, I will give queens  for free but no shipping.

Bob Wilson

It was January 15 last year when red maple bloomed in middle Georgia. I watch impatiently for what will happen this year.


Van, I tried to get a couple of pictures of pollen coming in but the girls took offense to having a cell phone stuffed in the entrance of the hives and I had to make a hasty retreat. Need to break out a better camera over the weekend. Shop day today, need to paint wax on all the plastic foundation I worked on this week then on to repairing and painting some boxes and lids.

Bob Wilson

Bob Wilson

The above photo was at 2pm today. I imagine it is dandelion pollen they are bringing in, although I see nothing blooming around my house.


Nice picture Bob, lots of activity with that hive. :)

van from Arkansas

Oh my, thanks for the pic Mr. Wilson, inspiring on this cold windy snowy day.  BEEBOY, thanks, but don?t get stung.


Add, I see about 8 bees with heavy pollen sacks, just beautiful.
I have been around bees a long time, since birth.  I am a hobbyist so my answers often reflect this fact.  I concentrate on genetics, raise my own queens by wet graft, nicot, with natural or II breeding.  I do not sell queens, I will give queens  for free but no shipping.

Brian MCquilkin

Bob, fantastic shot lots of pollen. I'm jealous have about 8 weeks before I see the bees active in this neck of the woods.
Despite my efforts the bees are doing great


Hi Bob
Dandelion in Australia is more orange than yellow, not sue about US dandelion.

van from Arkansas

Quote from: Oldbeavo on January 16, 2021, 03:07:59 PM
Hi Bob
Dandelion in Australia is more orange than yellow, not sue about US dandelion.

Hello Mr. Beavo.  Same with the US; dandelion pollen is very orange colored.  There is a blonde pollen in my area that produces the lightest, color 10 honey.  I have yet to positively identify the source but I believe it is wild plumb.

I have been around bees a long time, since birth.  I am a hobbyist so my answers often reflect this fact.  I concentrate on genetics, raise my own queens by wet graft, nicot, with natural or II breeding.  I do not sell queens, I will give queens  for free but no shipping.


Here in the South Plains of Texas we still have a lot of winter to go.

Hives ready for spring expansion, though.  Can't wait!
41 And while they yet believed not for joy, and wondered, he said unto them, Have ye here any meat?

42 And they gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of an honeycomb.

43 And he took it, and did eat before them.