No bees! Hive empty!

Started by Rodni73, November 18, 2022, 06:50:33 PM

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Quote from: TheHoneyPump on November 21, 2022, 08:26:19 PM
We can rattle off many plausible causes of the loss, but reality all would be speculation and this thread becomes an education refresh
I recommend the thread be closed - as it is just going to go around in circles.

If the OP could take a few close photos of the brood comb, we wouldn't have to speculate.  I recommend leaving the thread open and see if photos are posted.
Everyone loves a worker.... until its laying.


I don't see any reason to close the thread, but I agree that we are going nowhere on this thread due to a lack of information.  Rodni, if you could give us any more info, or post some pictures of the combs, as beesnweeds suggests, it could potentially help, but in all likelihood, this is going to be one of those learning experiences to pay attention to next year, and right now in your current colony.  Do you still have inspecting weather where you live, or are you shut down for the winter?   
I come from under the hill, and under the hills and over the hills my paths led.  And through the air, I am she that walks unseen.

Ben Framed

QuoteI don't see any reason to close the thread, but I agree that we are going nowhere on this thread due to a lack of information.

I agree with TheHoneyPump; In that the topic will not be resolved 'with the present lack of information given thus far from the OP'. We knew this from the start. Still, several theories have been spun off which I believe is healthy for discussion. Therefore I also agree with The15thMember in not closing this topic.

Patience please everyone; The questions by our 'new' beekeeper, (In terms of his beekeeping experience), has produced a host of points of view and theories.

Adding: The 'suggestion' (of pictures) by beesnweeds in his last post 'is' 'welcome' if the Original Poster could produce such, which would indeed shed more light on this topic.

I highly suggest the Original Poster review the article put out by TheHoneyPump and reviewed and edited by The15thMember some time ago. This may help the OP, considering his revelation of first year beekeeping limitations and not checking for mites, and his fears of treatment.
I have said it before and I am saying it again; The article to come is the most efficient article concerning Varroa Destructor I have ever had the privilege to 'study'.
Thanks again HoneyPump for posting your well thought out article, along with vivid pictures here for our benefit. So appreciated!



Quote from: Robo on July 20, 2021, 07:31:42 PM
I take no credit for this excellent analysis put together by TheHoneyPump and The15thMember but I do find it way too valuable to be buried in another post or potentially disappear from google drive.  It is chocked fully of valuable information for hobbyist beekeepers trying to understand and deal with varroa mites.   So I creating this post to be pinned and attaching a copy of the presentation.

The original location can be found here ->
