To the best of my knowledge, this is all true

Started by saltybluegrass, December 11, 2022, 06:13:42 PM

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As the bees always ask me, What?s on your mind honey,
I finally found the answer those girls were looking for and please read with compassion as my language and (Jeff)  Grammer along with run on sentences are self evident in the piece

I get it now
We are here until we have a complete understanding of it.
What? Are you worried about those that are cut down too early in the prime of their life?
Narry a worry my friend, as a veteran of the long tubular ascension(?) Or towards the bright light at the end of our earthy travels (or is it) , we are told, And I vouch as a worthy citizen of the between here and there , that you see your whole life flash before your eyes.
Okay so then what happens ?
GOOD NEWS it doesn?t stop there .
As your life is unraveled , you are smart enough to rectify all you failed while you are in this subconscious state and spiritually walk yourself through all those wrong paths to see the actual outcome of the right choices.
It is then you are totally enlightened and unburdened from this long arduous task called life and free to become the next whatever we become as I haven?t been that far yet.
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world
Then all else falls in line
It?s up to me