Size Differences

Started by nepenthes, October 26, 2006, 08:08:57 PM

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Hey their, I have a specific question about different hive bodys and Frames

I have a source that can provide me with almost 2 complete hives (no bee's) I would have to buy 1 Base, and smokers and stuff, but IM getting 4 large suppers for brood boxes (2 for each hive), Inner and outer cover's for each hive. And all I need to do is buy the Frames

The Company build brood boxes (large supers) is this one

And I want to buy frames form Dadant, do you guys think the Dadant frames would fit into the Walkter T. Kelly brood boxes?

should I just stick with the same company or would I be able to Switch over to Dadant If I needed to?

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Brian D. Bray

When using Langstroth hives the fundimental thing to remember is that the various parts are enterchangeable.  The dimensions for each depth of hive body is consistant regadless of manufacturer. So buying frames from dudant and boxes from Kelly or visa versa is done frequently.  
I thinK I answered one of your earlier inquiries with the example of buying a quantity of boxes from Western Bee so that boxes bought at volume further reduced the price of those same boxes at a special price.  I then bought 100 frames for $43.95 minus foundation.  This should have answered your question.
BTW, Western Bee currently has 100 frames (any size) for $43.95.  Such a purchase would take take of your frame needs for sometime.  Build them when needed.  Enough frames to fill 10 boxes for less than $50.00 is a good buy.  
Another BTW, Western Bee often manufactures frames for the other large sellers of bee equipment: Dudant, W.T. Kelly, Mann Lake Ltd, etc.  They add a mark up when they resell.  Getting it direct from the original source, I believe, is cheaper in the long run.
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"I have never wished to cater to the crowd, for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know." - Epicurus.

Michael Bush

In THEORY they are interchanable.  Recently, in particular, I've seen a lot of variation, ESPECIALLY in deeps.

I'd buy them all from the same place.  But then I wouldn't not buy deeps unless you LIKE lifting hundred pound boxes.

Also I like all my frames the same size:

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