Bee yard photos and lay out

Started by pdmattox, November 21, 2006, 11:25:31 AM

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Thanks AllenF. I have some more recent pictures somewhere that show my electric fence charger, log splitter , and all seven hives we had before three of them starved. Those more recent pictures give you a much better feel for the backyard with the garden in the background. . ;) Lord knows where the picture are so I posted these two while my wife {Reinbeau} was around to help me.
I wish others would post pictures of their yards because this is a VERY interesting thread. I love seeing the great ideas and creativeness of others.
Every man looks at his wood pile with a kind of affection- Thoreau


Is that John Deere Green?  Tony


Quote from: mudlakee on January 02, 2011, 03:59:51 PM
Is that John Deere Green?  Tony
It started out as Asparagus Green or something like that and when we built our chicken coop we mixed a couple gallon cans with a 5 gallon bucket and the color you see is what we ended up with.
You can see the chicken coop and where some of our hives are here in MA. here:
We extended the stand where the four hives you see in the pictures to hold seven. Next year we'll have six hives on that stand and two to four on a stand about 10' in front of that one. We'll have between 15-18 hives on the ground depending on how many we lose over the winter.
Every man looks at his wood pile with a kind of affection- Thoreau


Here is our home bee yard.  It was our nine year old daughter's art project last winter ;).


Very colorful hives there.   Can't wait to bee hives with your logo cut into the fronts.   ;)


KB Farms I am so impressed with your bee yard. You should have turned this photo into the Bee culture calendar contest. I am sure it would have ended up in the calendar.

Thanks for sharing.


meade kampe

Which direction is the best way to face a hive?  I currently have a 3 hive beeyard and they both face South.  I'd like to set up a 3rd hive closer to my house for observation.....and I want to make sure I have it orientated correctly.  Thanks!

T Beek

Kind of a funny place to ask that Q meade kampe, but it sounds like you're already facing them fine.  However,.........
?You have a 3 hive beeyard and they 'both' face South??? confused me a bit :-\

Most beeks say facing the entrance South to Southeast is best, but I'm not convinced of any particular direction, except; Out of prevailing winds in YOUR area,,,,,,, but I came here for hints on how to post pics of my bee yard, so now you owe us ;) a picture, that is :-D.

"Trust those who seek the truth, doubt those who say they've found it."


 I hope this thread gets new life once everybody gets their new nucs and packages this year. Sure is an interesting thread. Come on beeks let's see those photos !!! :-D :-D
Every man looks at his wood pile with a kind of affection- Thoreau


Here is My yard so far this year.

the mini nucs and nuc are hives I started last week, my full hive is the one I purchased in August.