Any Beekeepers from Australia?

Started by Billy The Beekeeper, March 09, 2007, 10:06:49 AM

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Billy The Beekeeper

I was just wondering if any of you beekeepers on here are from Australia? I want to move there in about 5 years and was hoping to get alot of bee hives to rent out to the orchadist people. I know there is alot of orchards down in Australia and its also my favorite place in the world  :-D.                  :mrgreen:
Experienced BeeKeeper :D


We do not let freaks like aussies join the forums. We have to maintain a certain level of respectablity.  ;)

Actually we have some very cool members from down under. They even post on occasion.

australia   (21)
   Markinaust: Victoria, Australia
   AussieB: Brisbane, Australia
   Yarra_Valley: Healesville, Victoria, Australia
   Geoff: Yinnar, Australia
   leskep: Duri  Australia
   kibee: Kangaroo Island, South
   beebloke: nsw australia
   colinvis: nsw, Australia
   mick: s/e melbourne australia (-)37.50S    145.0E
   ericthebee: Sydney Australia
   bigal: Perth West Oz
   downunder: Australia
   Serapax: Melbourne, Australia
   swingbyte: Melbourne Australia
   Tors: Melbourne, Australia
   Southern Son: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
   cava: Melbourne, Australia
   micks: Sydney Australia
   tashaburgess: Brisbane
   brydie: Australia
   phillby: Sydney Australia

Just don't get caught in a pub with any of these rascals you might have a good time.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


G'day Billyk,
                I am one of the freaks from Downunder. In case you have not noticed  a few of us are using the Ventrilo option on the forum. We have found it a great way to communicate and is a very easy program to install and uses very little of the computer resources. Just an amateur beekeeper this way as I spend a lot of time involved with lawn bowls and on the computer.
                 It seems like Brendhan has been caught up in an Australian pub sometime but that is another misconception of an Australian as myself and many others are more likely to be found in a wine bar.
                 So why wait 5 years BillyK.
Local Area Network in Australia - the LAN down under.

Billy The Beekeeper

Im waitin 5 years cause im almost out of high school and im gonna to go to college shortly after for 2 years then when i get out ill be an Aircraft Mechanic makin like $100,000+ a year and wanna make sure i have enough money to do what i want like get lots of beehives when i move there :)               :mrgreen:
Experienced BeeKeeper :D