Package bee delima

Started by Sean Kelly, March 26, 2007, 12:52:45 AM

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With all the package dealers in Northern California why would you be looking to ship from Georgia?  Am I missing something?

Sean Kelly

Quote from: thegolfpsycho on March 27, 2007, 10:26:15 PM
With all the package dealers in Northern California why would you be looking to ship from Georgia?  Am I missing something?
I was trying to find one that I could by from in May.  Rossman was the only one I could find.  Everyone else needs payment NOW and will ship in the middle of April.  I'm broke right now until April 14th (catching up on bills), but thankfully I was able to make it work to pick up bees locally.

"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13


Im happy that your gonna get some bees at lest you wont need to drive to far to get them I have been looking aroud hear in north arkansas for some places but the only one I can find is jester bee and I think all thay deal with is Russian bees I know thay have mite resistant/hygenic Queens: lol 
Minnesota Hygenic crossed with SMR/VSH
Minnesota Hygenic Itallian   Russians     Russian crossed with SMR/VSH  What ever all that is lol geee. But have fun with your bees I know I will when I get mine but my mom wont lol she cant get stung by one or she is probley going to the er room so i told her ill buy her a bee suit she said I much reather have the honey bees then the wasp. If it will stop raining ill go buy the supers this week but I got to find a place to put them lol. :-D



I started almost two years ago with a free hive removed from a house that was going to be destroyed and the owners didn't want to kill them.  One of the local beeks called me and asked if I wanted them.  I said yeah but my equipment was on order.  I was told no problem I would pay back the equipment later.  So I got them and they are very resistant and this year over populated. 


Others I know of here in Arkansas get theirs from Kelley Bees Inc. (Italians) in Kentucky.  But there is at least one beekeeper I know of, around Damascus, who is getting at least one breeder queen and will have queens for sale.  I don't know if bees or nucs will be available for sale.  Your best bet is join a local association and get your name out there for swarm or someone may have a removal that you can help with for experience.  Who knows, they may reward you with a gift of bees from that hive removal. 

The point is were there's a will there is a way. 

Anyway we started swarm season last Wednesday with a swarm at our school campus.  My kids told me they saw it and wanted to go check it out immediately.  They were not allowed to, even though they tried to explain the bees were not a threat and normally quite tame during a swarm. 
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)


Hey we are not to far away then im in mountain view just north of you. Ed Levi the state bee dude lol just lives 8 miles from me so im gonna try and call him but im not a good phone person at all  :( maybe my mom will do it lol she is a grate phone person lol you can email me at [email protected] if you want to ;) ;) :-D lol. I do have the walter t Kelley Catalog. I dont know if this town has a beekeeping thing or not I dont think we do but never know. Thanks for the help

Sean Kelly

Hey everyone!

It's here!!!  My hive and all my equipment came UPS yesterday.  Finished painting it last night and it's ready to go.  Paid for my bees and will pick them up on the 14th.  Man, I'm so excited and nervous!

Should I keep my new hive inside the house until I'm ready to install the bees or would it be okay to put it up in the bee yard 10 days before the bees arive?  I'm nervous that our human smells will get in the hive if I keep it in the house and make the bees mad, yet I'm also afraid that keeping the hive outside will let other bugs or mice move in before the bees do.  Thoughts?

Couldn't afford a bee suit quite yet.  I just have the Alexander vale and gloves that the kit came with.  But I did buy yesterday one of those disposable Tyvek coveralls.  I've heard that those work well for a few trips to the yard, but that should hold me over until I get paid again and can buy a real suit and another hive body.  Anybody have any good or bad experiences with those Tyvek suits?

I'm really excited!  My wife will be taking pics when I install my bees, I'll post them as soon as I can.

Thanks again everyone!

"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13


I kept my equipment outside for a few days before bees were obtained. I also use overalls I got off ebay, instead of a full bee suit. As a hoibbyist, if the bees are very aggressive, just walk away and come back another day is all. I use a veil and smoker, and a long sleeve dress shirt in white. I add gloves for honey removal. Oh yea, take off rings if you dont wear gloves in case you get stung. I have found less is more w/ equipment. I wait until I know I need it now. I have put more resources into equipment and bees instaed of a suit.
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".


Glad your getting your Bees. You should read, "New Package Fun" posted by AlLan J. on first page of the Forum, for a few laughs and pointers!!!!!

Best of luck!
Gerry L