Where to find bulk cinnamon powder

Started by annette, June 01, 2007, 05:48:27 PM

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I am looking for bulk cinnamon powder to keep the ants off the hives. I have been purchasing it here in Placerville at a health food store, but I really use quite a bit of this stuff as have to reapply whenever we have to much wind.

Help is appreciated.



Do you have a Costco nearby?  We buy the large containers there, and save the real cinnamon ( from Sri Lanka I think ) for ourselves... :lol:


cinnamon never worked good for me, so I went to using poison, but a lot want use poison buy their hives but I will.......

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Cinnamon works great for us, we buy it at a local off-price outlet (Ocean State Joblot).  Costco, Sam's Club, BJ's Wholesale, they should all have it in bulk and fairly cheap.

- Ann, A Gardening Beek -  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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I have had bad trouble with ants here in LA.I tried cinnamon didn't work I tried water ring around the hive didn't work I tried Boric acid it worked.But the best thing for me is I don't feed sugar syrup or pollen patties anymore that handled the ants and I'm careful when I extract not to leave any honey around.I have had ants cause some of my hives Abscond because of ants
"It's not about Honey it's not about Money It's about SURVIVAL" Charles Martin Simmon


Yes, I have a Costco near me and will get there soon. The cinnamon powder works if I stay on top of it and have to re-apply it when it gets too windy up there. I would rather use something natural so will stay with this as long as it works.

thanks for the help


How big of a bag are you guys talking? what is the cost? :)



The cannister you get at Costco is one pound Mc Cormick brand...I can't recal the price, but it is affordable...it is cinnmaon that comes from Mexico, a different variety than the Spice Hunter brand that is 1.5 oz and expensive, but worth it ( comes from Southeast Asia ).


I have only 2 hives which sit on elevated tables. They are next to each other. About 1-2 lbs would be fine for me to have on hand at any time.

Thanks again for all the help


(Thats Bulk ?) I was thinking it would take about 50lbs to spread around the ground of the yard that is given me fits with ants. I have tried every thing that works in the other yards. borax & jely even ant biat. they are un stopable.may be cinamon will make them go around the area. :?


What kind of ants are you plagued with rdy-b?  We have argentinian ones here that are pretty pesky...but I usually can control them with Grant's Ant Stakes and a cinnamon barrier...There is a product called Orange TKO that work pretty good as a deterrant as well..Good Luck


The Dollar Store.  Everyone seems to have one.  The large cinamon cans are $.50 cents each.  It works so well for us we use it camping as well.  Gets rid of ants and smells good too.
The good life is honey on a Ritz.


I can't believe the issues with ants.  Thank goodness the ones we have do not bother the bees too much.  We mostly have tiny little ones that are about 1/4 inch long around the apiary.  The little bit bigger ones are not more than 1/2 inch and they are a nuisance around the pool and climbing on your legs and arms. 

We have ant bait traps that I use.  The ants climb into it, eat the bait, take it home to their colonies and, ooops!!!  they are evidently gone.  Two cents for all it is worth.  Great day, great life.  Cindi
There are strange things done in the midnight sun by the men who moil for gold.  The Arctic trails have their secret tales that would make your blood run cold.  The Northern Lights have seen queer sights, but the queerest they ever did see, what the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge, I cremated Sam McGee.  Robert Service


they are tiny littel black ants. they start out singlefile line.In two weeks time they are quater inch solid black stripe.I will have to resort to serious measures. I thik your orange TKO is similar to a natural product i use in the honey house called orange gaurd.works very well for that.I will try the cinamon on a pallet-4colonies and see before i use the hard stuff.


Anyone tried diatamatious (sp?)earth?  Also known as cheap kitty litter or oil dry.  It's supposed to scratch their exoskeleton and if it works is very cheap.  You could got a 50# bag for about 20 bucks or less.


How do you keep the bees out of it? they mix it with pyrethirin? to kill bees.Bees first instinct is to clean.thats why they use it plus it is organicly accepted.Dead ants are no good if the bees are dead.dose anyone know if boricacid and 20 muleteam borax are the same tried mixing 20 mule team with grape jelly.recomended by a very competant source ;) they walked right through it. honey would be better need to rig somthing to keep the bees out,i think it would be organic also. wonder if i could sprinkel a box of 20 muleteam under and around the pallets?for ant deturant.didnt deture much in the grape jelley.they must have to eat it to get the efect.they have granuals of incecticide that you watter in after you aply around the area no pesticide drift to harm bees.I sure dont want to have to nuke the area should have done that before i moved the bees in but that wouldnot be organic would it?


We have zillions of Argentinian ants where I live.  They love the sandy soil.  Here is what works for me.  I have the hives on cinder blocks, a placed Grants' Ant Stakes around the perimeter of the cinder blocks with the little hole facing the block ( this is arsenic in sweet stuff )...then I also spinkle cinnmaon around the base of the hive body itself...so far it is working.  There may be a few ants, but I think the bees are strong enough to keep them out.  I have tried diatomaceous earth in the past around my aviary, but it didn't work so great...Keep the area surrounding the hive really cleaned and cleared from debris as well... :-\


    I'll stick to the film of mineral oil that I used last year and the year before when the ants got to too high numbers for my liking.  My mom taught it to me when I was a kid to keep ants off the picinic table and our food.  Her mom taught it to her...and so on.. and so on.

It works and is less expensive for me.  With the cinnamon I found that Saigon Cinnamon didn't work for me but the regular did.  FGMO is not as prone to wash away in the rain as cinnamon is.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)


I like the idea about the FGMO do you use a foger to aply? I talked to my comercial friends and they said spray the ground with diesel fuel. your idea seems more on the right track. :)

Michael Bush

>dose anyone know if boricacid and 20 muleteam borax are the same tried mixing 20 mule team

They are not the same thing, but they have the same effect on ants and the borax is cheaper.

Grape jelly dries quickly, especially with the borax in it.  You may need to wet the jelly occasionally.  You also may need to track down the hive and pour the borax on the nest.
My website:  bushfarms.com/bees.htm en espanol: bushfarms.com/es_bees.htm  auf deutsche: bushfarms.com/de_bees.htm  em portugues:  bushfarms.com/pt_bees.htm
My book:  ThePracticalBeekeeper.com
"Everything works if you let it."--James "Big Boy" Medlin