New Tenants!

Started by JWW, June 05, 2007, 05:51:43 PM

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Quote from: JWW on February 27, 2007, 08:38:48 PM
Well after a good first year with one hive populated with a package last march, I have managed to kill all of them this winter.

They were very strong and had built up well going into fall, having drawn out two deeps of comb and then one medium super and had produced 3 frames full of honey in the medium which I gave back to them. They appeared to have plenty of honey stored and as a precaution in late October I put on a top feeder of sugar water. Even though it was warm they didn't touch it and I ended up taking it off after it turned cold.

Last week we started having some days in the low 50's so I started watching for them to fly some. When I didn't see any I went out and sure enough the hive was dead.

They were clustered in the upper deep in the middle frames and still had about three frames with honey. I haven't pulled out all of the frames but I swear there aren't many bees there.

Because of limited funds and a promise to myself that the first package was all I was going to buy, I have decided to split the two deeps and try and lure in a swarm or two with lemon grass oil. I'll let you know how that goes.

Just wanted to have a pity party, now I feel better, Thanks!

Update! I left my hive as it was after cleaning it out. There was plenty of traffic to get the remaining honey. I took your alls advice and got a bottle of lemon grass oil and applied a few drops inside the hive and replenished it a couple of times. I was about to give up on a swarm taking up residence UNTIL today. I got used to seeing an empty hive when looking out my den window. but lo and behold the front of the hive was dark with bees this afternoon!

I'm going to give them a few days to settle in before I take a look. I'm going to test their temperament tomorrow when I mow.

Mother Nature came through!
"Everybody has a story, take a moment to listen"


Thats excellent that you traped a swarm, I am hoping to gather a swarm also but no luck yet. I imagine that they will become a good strong colony.
Good Luck


Congrats on your free bees. :)


Glad to see that thee lemongrass worked,never tried it but have heard about it. might give it a try when I get my TBH built.
See your from E TN what part as I'm from there also.


I'm in Johnson City, born and raised here.
"Everybody has a story, take a moment to listen"


Not far from me then,live in Hancock County.
Your near K&K then, their in Gray.


Congrats on the free swarm!  Great luck....

I love east Tennessee - some of the prettiest country ever.  I spent every summer growing up in Abingdon, VA at Camp Sequoya just around the corner from you.  And I've hiked a lot in the state parks in the East Tennessee area.

Linda T in Atlanta, envious of you in East Tennessee
"You never can tell with bees" - Winnie the Pooh

Click for Atlanta, Georgia Forecast" border="0" height="60" width="468


Quote from: deantn on June 06, 2007, 08:15:56 AM
Not far from me then,live in Hancock County.
Your near K&K then, their in Gray.
You're right on the money, I live in North Johnson City. I used to know a K&K construction company but that was years ago.
Quote from: tillie on June 06, 2007, 12:17:04 PM
Congrats on the free swarm!  Great luck....

I love east Tennessee - some of the prettiest country ever.  I spent every summer growing up in Abingdon, VA at Camp Sequoya just around the corner from you.  And I've hiked a lot in the state parks in the East Tennessee area.

Linda T in Atlanta, envious of you in East Tennessee

I love it here Linda and even though I haven't been too many places I think it's very pretty.

I use to ride the ambulance as a Paramedic and made several trips to Atlanta with patients. I'm sure that there are beautiful spots there also but what I remember was bumper to bumper at ~80mph!
"Everybody has a story, take a moment to listen"