Been Reading Alot - 1st Post - Is this hive worth $110

Started by mgmoore7, June 27, 2007, 08:37:31 PM

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    Where in wife is there now.  May have her stop in for a look see.  Maybe a suit for her... and the kids..

    How old is the queen?  Otherwise sounds like it may be a decent deal if all else is well.
Everyone said it couldn't be done. But he with a chuckle replied, "I won't be one to say it is so, until I give it a try."  So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin.  If he had a worry he hid it and he started to sing as he tackled that thing that couldn't be done, and he did it.  (unknown)


Quote from: qa33010 on June 29, 2007, 01:50:03 AM
    Where in wife is there now.  May have her stop in for a look see.  Maybe a suit for her... and the kids..

    How old is the queen?  Otherwise sounds like it may be a decent deal if all else is well.

I sent you a PM.


Quote from: pdmattox on June 28, 2007, 07:49:34 PM
Sounds good to me so far.  When was his hives last inspected?

I spoke to the inspector for the area that the seller is in (not my inpsectors area).  He has not inspected them this year. 

He said that in the past his bees were fine and he did not have any reason to raise any red flags. 

My inspector is so very nice and helpful.  I met him at the state fair in Feb and talked to him for a while.  I called him earlier this week and talked to him about keeping bees in my area.  He gave me his cell phone number and said to call anytime I have any questions as "that is what I am here for".  Today he told me that he would be out for a week and would not be able to inspect and register them until August but to call him in 2 weeks just because he is interested to know if I bought them.  He also gave me some similar tips that yall have. 

It is real nice to have meet someone like this.  He was the same way when I spoke to him at the fair. 

Oh by the way, yall have been real nice and helpful too.   THANKS!!!!


At this point in the season if you really want bees I would jump on them....or you may have to wait until next year. 220.00 is a darn for two hives is a darn good start. You should ask if you can have your pick of the five though.
Sugarbush Bees


Well, we jumped on the two hives.  I did not get to pick.  The reason he was getting rid of these two are that he is switching to all mediums and these two have deeps for the brood. 

The queen excluder was on the top of the hive as he does not use them anymore so I will have to move it down under the super.

He was real nice and helpful. 

The move was easy.

I will have pictures within a few days.



I would leave the excluders on top. If you put them in you will have to go through the hive to make sure the queen is in the bottom. Congrats on the new bees :lol:
Sugarbush Bees

Brian D. Bray

Oh,  let him move the excluder down.  It's never too early to learn why they are called a swarm producer.  The he can hang it the closet where it belongs until he needs it as an includer to keep a swarm from absconding.
Life is a school.  What have you learned?   :brian:      The greatest danger to our society is apathy, vote in every election!


Ok, guys and gals, i will do another post later with pictures but as far as the queen excluder or as some say, the honey excluder, I am just nieve. 

I have done some research and it is obvious there are different opinions and experiences.  So for the moment, I am not moving it until I read more and ask for some more help..

I will post later on a new post with more info about the hive and some questions that I have.

Thanks yall.


You could sell them to somebody else.....I don't even own one.....I don't think
Sugarbush Bees