Been Reading Alot - 1st Post - Is this hive worth $110

Started by mgmoore7, June 27, 2007, 08:37:31 PM

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Good day all. My wife and I have been interested in starting beekeeping for a while and we are ready to take plunge although our timing is not quite right.

Our primary goal is to use the honey for our own use (we use about 1.5 gallons a month) and seconarily, the hobby of keeping the bees and teaching our children about them.  As most of you would agree they are most facinating.  I remember the first time I saw the video of the dance of a scout bee.  It is engrained in my mind....   Enough of that.....

Since starting a new hive will have to wait until spring and then it is likely that we will not get any honey until the following year, it is a long wait and I am considering looking for an exhisting that might help speed that process at least a little bit. 

I found this posting.  What do you think.  Is it worth $110?  I don't have any pictures yet but assuming the hive is in decent shape....

"Vigorous hive w/ new queen, screened bottom board, brood box, queen excluder, med super, inner & out cover $110"

Thanks for looking and we look forward to becoming part of this community.


[edited for a typo]


It sounds like a fair deal to me. Actually it sounds a bit too fair to me. Ask him how long they've been in the box and try to make sure they have a least 5 frames drawn out with comb. Anything less and it sounds like he just did a split (which is very late in the year for) and is trying to get rid of some old equipment.

But otherwise it checks out fine to me. I'd recommend buying some sort of feeder to make sure they're stocked up for the winter.


Where in Florida are you?

You can update your profile.

The price is actually pretty good.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Quote from: Understudy on June 27, 2007, 09:03:45 PM
Where in Florida are you?

You can update your profile.

The price is actually pretty good.


Profile updated. 
Land O Lakes, FL
just a few miles N or Tampa


Yeah, I know where your at. The butter factory. ;)

I have actually been there a few times in Land O Lakes for jobs.

You are closer to pdmattox. He is in Lake City.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Welcome fellow floridaian.  I think that is a good price for an established hive. 


Oh I didn't realize you were from Florida. Do people that far south need to feed their hives?


pdmattox feeds his nucs. I do not unless there is an issue.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Thanks for the replies.  I sent an email to find out if they are still available.  I will post back. 


after you get the bees you will  swear its worth A MILLON BUCKS  ;) RDY-B


Sean Kelly

Just the equipment alone is almost worth $110!  Especially after you factor in shipping!  But established?!?!?!  Man, that's a sweet deal!  Too bad I live 2000 miles away or I'd steal it from under you!  lol J/K

Sean Kelly
"My son,  eat  thou honey,  because it is good;  and the honeycomb,  which is sweet  to thy taste"          - Proverbs 24:13


Well here is the story.

He has 2 hive available for $110 each.  One was from a swarm over a year ago and the other was from a split about 6 months ago. 

They are 10 frame.  Not sure how old the hives are but he has been beekeeping for about 6 years so they have to be less than that.

He is selling as he has 5 hives and only needs/wants 3. 

Assuming yall don't throw any red flags from this info, we will be going tomorrow night to get them. 

Any thoughts, ideas, comments.



Sounds good to me so far.  When was his hives last inspected?


By the state inspector?  I don't know.  I know he is registered with the state.

He said he inspected them himself 2 weeks ago.


When I go there, what tips can you give me for what to look for to make sure all it well.

Any other tips.  I am jumping into this a little faster than planned but when the opportunity arrises...


You want to look inside the hive. You want to see what the comb looks like. Does have nice shape and form to it are cells in good shape. Is there brood? What do the brood cells look like? Are there signs of wax moth or other pests? What do the bees on the frame look like? Are the wings in good shape? What's on the bottom of the hive? Is there a huge mass of dead bees? How about worm like things? You will see varroa and small hive beetles, but is it just a few or hundreds. Small amounts are a big deal infestation is.What is the attitude of the bees? Are they aggressive? Is the queen marked? If not where did the queen come from?
What kinda shape is the wood in? Is going to fall apart the first time you touch it? Have the termites set up a base of operation?

Well that is enoughto start with.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


Understudy, that eye, it keeps looking at me!!!   :-D

Thanks, I will keep those things in mind.  Now I have got to try to aquire at least a few of the basic items fairly quickly.  He said I need to at least have a veil and I don't even have that.

I only know of one supplier in lakeland that our FL inspector told me about (there are none in Tampa) and I can go over there at lunch tomorrow since lakeland is only about 25 minutes from my office.  But I don't know if he has a store that is open normal hours or what. I will have to call in the morning.

All of this is transpiring quickly.  That makes me a bit nervous but it is also fun.  My wife is so excited.  She has wanted to have hive since she was a child.


Go to kmart and buy some mosquito netting and a baseball cap.

The status is not quo. The world is a mess and I just need to rule it. Dr. Horrible


That sounds like a great deal to me also.

Go by and see your local police/fire/water/electric departments.  Introduce yourself as a local beekeeper that will remove swarms of bees from people's yards for free.  We run an ad in the local paper every April for two weeks and usually get more calls than we can handle.  Keep it simple....don't tear out anyone's walls to get bees, but just remove swarms from yards, water meters...........easy places where you can get to. 

You'll get free bees, ..........get your name out as a local beekeeper,.........and have fun doing it.

Best of Luck   :lol:
