Estimating honey volume...

Started by SteveSC, June 11, 2007, 11:33:24 AM

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Does anyone have any #s maybe from last yrs. harvest that would give a good estimate of the volume of honey expected to be harvested per full super ( shallow and med. ). 

For some reason I think it's about 2 gal. extracted per 9 frame shallow super - not sure about the med. supers.  If anyone has these #s I'd appreciate it...thanks.


I don't have such numbers on me but what seemed right to me is a full Deep frame of honey will fill 3 12oz bottles. A full super will fill 1.5 12oz bottles.


Try this, Extract in a five gal bucket from a full deep super.
If you come up with less than 30 to 40 lbs. something is very wrong.
You should get 30 lbs from a good full medium super.


Maybe someone else has some #s we can compare your's to.  I'm trying to get all the bottles\jars I need for the harvest, that's the reason for the question.  It'll give me somewhere to start from.

If anyone is interested I found a good supplier of all types of honey bottles and jars.  They're located near me in Greenville SC.

They have good prices especially if you can pick up yourself.  What I like is they have alot of different design jars and bottles for beekeepers. Their product line has grown since this list was put together..

You can call them for a catalog and current price list.


1 qt holds 40 oz's. 4x40=160x2=2 gals which is 20 lbs. about right for a shallow. A medium about 5 to 10 lbs more. Double that+ for a deep.
Betterbee has the Variety Bulk Pack for $59.00 free shipping.
78 containers with lids.


Remember, Honey is measured by weight not fld.oz's.
one pint, 16 fld.oz, mason jar holde 20 oz. wt of honey.
Contaniers made for honey are made for wt. oz not fld.oz.
I get 50 cents more for a pint than a one lb jar.
It has been said a deep fat frame holds 8 to 10 lbs.


Thanks doak....good explaination. 

I always wondered why two 16oz. Queenline honey jars didn't equal one 32 oz. ( quart mason ) jar in volume.. 

The 16 oz. Queenline ( specific honey jar ) is sold by weight and the Mason jar is sold by volume....I got it.


this is my rule of thumb- one deep =one bucket (full bucket is 60 pounds) two meadiums = one bucket     when I count boxes of honey this way there is always more than i figured on (nothing wrong with that :)   ten buckets = one drum. for bottling i figure a case is 24 one pound jars so( 12 two pound jars)  two buckets = five cases. works for me RDY-B