Brood Problem?

Started by jsflagg, June 23, 2007, 11:55:35 PM

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Hi everyone,

I started two hives this year. I am using two deep hive bodies for brood chambers and then honey supers on top of the two brood chambers.  Well my question comes from today's inspection.  I added another super to my first hive as everything looked well and went no further as far as inspecting.  However, I have not done an in depth inspection on my 2nd hive in awhile, so I did so today.  I noticed that there is not much laying activity in the bottom chamber on the 1st hive.  If using a two brood chamber set up like this how many frames should be fairly full of brood?  I did notice some laying activity in the top.  I cut my inspection short because the bees were getting aggravated and I got stung by a bee that i didn't see on my smoker, I squished her and she stung me, my bad :(.  Should the queen keep the majority of the 20 frames full or does 
it rotate with some full and some not so full?  Any suggestions would be great.




Hi Joseph, welcome to beekeeping.
It always depends on how your queen likes to run the castle. I have a couple of hives that run 3 brood chambers high, and some that only run 1. The queen depends on what she is going to lay. I would expect 4-5 frames in each chamber full of brood about 90%.

With your problem, maybe you don't have a queen? Were there eggs? If there were eggs - then yes you have a queen. Otherwise, if you don't see eggs after all the brood hatches, i would consider getting a new queen, or putting in a frame or two of eggs. That may be why the bees are anxious and annoyed so much.



I did see some eggs in the top brood chamber.  I think I will wait a week and look in the top chamber again and see what it looks like.