Making more hives

Started by rayb, June 24, 2007, 01:34:58 PM

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I have read about splitting hives on the forum and also on Michael Bush's site, but have a question still.

We have 4 hives
         2 consist of 2 deeps
         2   ''         '' 3 mediums

We also have 4 nucs with 4 or 5 frames each with nicely laying queens.

? If we would like to have maybe 10 strong hives going into winter, what is the best way to use/combine all of our resources (4 hives and 4 nucs) ?

Thanks for your responses.



My advice is to wait until next year to start splitting hives. The honey flow is on strong and looks at the math. If you started a split now, you’re looking at 90 days for them to get a strong hive going, make honey for winter stores and draw out whatever they need. Needless to say they have 90 days just to come up the strength to start the rest. Time is not on your side, the old adage a swarm is May is worth a load of hay, a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon, a swarm in July, throw them away.
Works out.. If I were in your shoes I would stick with what you have and make sure they are strong and healthy for wither first then think about expanding.

Michael Bush

If the hives are overflowing with bees, splits are probably a good plan.  If not, then waiting is probably a better plan.

If you're intent is to end up with as many strong hives as possible I wouldn't split them down more than three frames of brood and two frames of honey and I wouldn't do splits any later than the end of this month (at least in my climate) where I expect them to rear their own queen.

In the end they may do better if you let them have some "critical mass" by not splitting instead of spreading them thin by splitting.
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