What's going on here (pix)?

Started by 2-Wheeler, June 25, 2007, 10:58:48 PM

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This is a picture taken a two months ago from our 2nd year hive. The picture shows the bottom of a brood frame from the upper deep.

A number of the capped cells at the bottom broke open when removing the frame. We haven't see this before, can someone please explain what we are seeing here?

Also, this picture shows the queen working the same area about a month earlier.

Analysis anyone?
-David Broberg   CWOP#: CW5670 / CoCoRaHS #CO-BO-218
Blog: http://beesandblooms.blogspot.com/
My Weather: http://www.leyner.org/
My Flickr Album: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dbroberg/

Brian D. Bray

Not to worry.  Bees often use burr comb for drone comb.  When you pull the frames the burr comb tears and you have a very nice picture of the result.  The bees will clean up the mess, removing the brood that was exposed. 
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I've seen my bees actually build new cells around the exposed brood.


Can someone with more knowledge please tell me what the cells are with the "highly domed" caps?  Are those just drone cells too?  I've noticed a fair number of those on some of my brood frames.

Thanks in advance. - Lenny


the ones that look like 357 magnums are drones. are those the ones that you are wondering about ;) drones are a good healthy part of the colony. as long as they arnt the only cells you see then no worries  :lol:


Quote from: rdy-b on June 26, 2007, 02:02:24 AM
the ones that look like 357 magnums are drones. are those the ones that you are wondering about ;) drones are a good healthy part of the colony. as long as they arnt the only cells you see then no worries  :lol:

Thanks, those were the ones I was referring too.


I thought Brian answered your question nicely, and rdy-b reaffirmed Brian's analysis.
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Thanks everyone for the education! We did see a fair number of drones this year.
-David Broberg   CWOP#: CW5670 / CoCoRaHS #CO-BO-218
Blog: http://beesandblooms.blogspot.com/
My Weather: http://www.leyner.org/
My Flickr Album: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dbroberg/


That is a very good time to check for Varroa Mites. If you have any, some will be found there. Hard to miss on the white larvae.