Honey harvest

Started by fcderosa, July 01, 2007, 02:29:35 PM

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Harvested yesterday, best estimate was 3 Gal. per super(shallow).  Very light colored and can actually taste the blackberries.  Very delicate and tasty, to good to turn into mead.  Definately biscuit grade honey.  This time last year we were in the middle of a dearth.
            Flow is on but can't find with what.  I have a patch of beebalm (monarda) with not a bee on it.  The Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is also in bloom - not a bee on it.  So odd, they pick one plant and that's it.  Lots of bees in the fountain though. :-*
The good life is honey on a Ritz.


Bee balm is ignored by honey bees, but bumbles and hummingbirds cant resist. Anise hyssop will be attacked in about a week or so in your area and about three weeks in mine. Dont fret. I think the flowers need to mature or something else has their attention. Miner are being ignored right now too, but will be attcked soon!!!My bees ignore lots of things. I presume they have something better to forage. Also, some things are only foraged at certain times of the day, such as qafternoon, or morning only. 
"The more complex the Mind, the Greater the need for the simplicity of Play".