have to wait until spring in Fla ?

Started by malabarchillin, July 01, 2007, 08:12:10 PM

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New guy here.
I am in east central Fla. near the beach.
Because of the mild winters do I have to wait until
next spring to buy bees and start beekeeping ?


Since alot of northern beeks come here for winter i would say you could start anytime in florida. Good luck.


Get some bees, put them in a box- and you're good to go here in FL. You might need to feed them some sugar water for the first week just to make sure the queen and everyone stays put in the hive where you want it.. but after that the colony should  be up and rolling pretty fast.
Good luck.


I was in the same boat.  It seems that finding bees right now available for purchase may not be easy though.  At least that was my experience. 

I found an opportunity to buy 2 established hives from another hobby beekeeper about an hour from me and the price was right.  Therefore, I jumped on them rather than waiting for spring.


Get ya some bees Mike! Call local beekeeping clubs and contact people who do live removals if you can't find a package supply place that will send you any. I would definitely feed them, they will take feed if they need it, if not they are getting nectar somewhere and you will just need to keep an eye on them and make sure they have stores to winter on.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com
