moving a hive

Started by Wis Bee, July 06, 2007, 02:55:20 PM

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Wis Bee

      I would like to move a hive 100 +  miles away.  The moving screen I have will not
      accommodate the type of feeder ( boardman) I have. 

     How long can a hive go without a water source?



100 miles+...that sounds like a one night job, they'll do just fine, just close 'em up and you're ready to go. off course don't forget to give them enough screening so they don't boil.

anyway,...they don't get any water during the normal nights do they? so..they won't need it for the moving night as well.


See if any of this helps - this was a hive move using 1Z4s and wire screen and the hive was moved about 4 hundred miles away in the front seat of a car. There were no problems and the whole package job took only about 10 minutes to do and undo using wood screws.
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Wis Bee

  Thankyou gentlemen



you can also stick some aluminum screen in the entrance to keep them at bay and still have the ventilation needed.