bumblebees?? maybe carpenter bees...got stung..

Started by zopi, July 07, 2007, 11:14:04 AM

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I was pulling some scrap metal out of one of the umpteen barns on our new place yesterday, and I apparently
upset a colony of what i guess are bumble bees...I don't know much about them except that they sting and I prefer honey bees...  :-D  one got me right between the eyes, full tilt boogie...believe to or not I had never been stung before...knew what to do though...scraped it and boogied inside an stuck a penny on the sting...seems to have worked..didn't hurt for more than a few minutes...

on the plus side, i bought a stack of used hives from a keeper here in town that has slowed down alot..50 bucks for 7 or 8 hives...most of which is useable...couple of the brood boxes and a few of the supers were
unuseable...but I have enough to get me started come spring..i think I will buy new frames with foundatio though..


Welcome, and good luck. By the way, carpenter bees and bumbles don't lose their stingers when they sting you.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Didn't know that...I guess you learn something every day...


Not sure if carpenter bees can sting or not.  I've never been stung by one and have been around them a lot. 

Now a bumble bee, yup they can and they will.  Many years ago was riding a motorcycle between Phoenix and Flagstaff.  Noticed a huge sign that indicated an exit for the town of Bumble Bee.  I wondered for a little why anyone would name a town that and then hit one.  We must have been going the same way cause I hit it stinger first, right in the middle of my chest. Ouch.


yeh...took a june bug in the forehead doing about 70 the other day..THAT sucked.


Male carpenter bees like drone honeybees have no stinger. The female carpenter bee can sting but she rarely ever stings, even when provoked.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


if a colony then they were bumbles.  carpenters are not colony dwellers


You would think that carpenter bees were colony dwellers because of the close proximity of their individual colonies.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Went back and checked them out today...bumble bees, big buggers too.....inconvenient bloody place for them , right there in the barn...


The carpenter bee with the white spot on  his fore head is the drone/male and do not sting.
As for the June bug, anything hitting at a good speed hurts.
A hornet at that speed will kock you down.


Quote from: doak on July 07, 2007, 11:12:37 PM
The carpenter bee with the white spot on  his fore head is the drone/male and do not sting.
As for the June bug, anything hitting at a good speed hurts.
A hornet at that speed will kock you down.

Make you use words your mother would not approve of.


Just wondering which sting is worse between a bumble bee, carpenter bee, & hornet. Some how Ive never been stung by any of them   :shock:. Also how does a yellow jacket wasp compare to all of these other stings. 


Bumble bee stings win hands down as worst sting, but you get more stings from hornets because their colonies are larger in number.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


Quote from: JP on July 08, 2007, 05:14:32 PM
Bumble bee stings win hands down as worst sting, but you get more stings from hornets because their colonies are larger in number.

and it's no fun when you hit a nest with a bush hog...watched a guy do that once...must've happened before because he bailed off the tractor and ran... :-D


Stupid bumble bees....looks like I will have to kill them..I have been going by every couple of days and aggravating them in hopes that they will pack up and go elsewhere...nope they have only become quicker to
come boiling out of their nest...chased me up the yard awhile ago..little buggers fly fast...lucky I'm quick...


what's the best method of introducing them to their maker, short of burning the barn? (although i thought about it.... :-D)


The good life is honey on a Ritz.


Zopi, I haven't done a lot of research on removing and transferring bumbles live but its worth looking into before you kill them. They are excellent pollenators. I have read about some people using them to pollenate their crops. Perhaps someone in your area would consider transferring them. Look and see. If you have to kill them, any permethrin type product would do. You could also flood the area with soap suds and this would suffocate them. But I'm hoping someone in your area will claim them. Good luck.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


You know I've in my 29 yrs never even seen a bumblebee nest. I wouldnt know one if I saw it. I think I may get that bumblebee book that I saw in Dadant or Man Lakes cataloge to learn more about them. So let me get this straight Bumblebees make their nest in the ground? Right? I use to see a few bumblebees like everyday when I was younger, now I dont see very many & I mean VERY many at all    :(  Same with butterflys also though. I can count how many of these two creatures that I see combined in a years time on both hands & maybe, maybe need a few more fingers. Thats sad.     


BBHJ, bumbles do nest in the ground, but in my experience, they do so in an area that is not frequented regularly by human or I'd imagine other animal activity. It doesn't take long for them to find an area that has been abandoned though. Timing seems to be everything. After baseball season when I was in my teens, ocassionally we would get them in the in-field the following season. They would set up their colonies after the season was done, and when the next season started we would have them every where. I'm not sure how the playground people dealt with them, I guess they would just spray the field.
My Youtube page is titled JPthebeeman with hundreds of educational & entertaining videos.

My website JPthebeeman.com http://jpthebeeman.com


this bunch is in an old couch frame out in my barn...not really my barn...seems to be theirs...it's just inside the door..can't get em out physically....maybe i'll try to get a hook and line on the bloody thing and yank it out of the barn...i'll try that...then stash them in the woods out back..i really need to clean that barn out..it's kinda useless being full of the previous owners junk...